Chapter 178 In the Time of a Cigarette

Zhou Chao called the security guards, thinking that Chen Yang would be scared, but Chen Yang didn't seem to take it seriously at all, which really pissed him off. His eyes were filled with resentful rage, and he cursed in his heart, calling Chen Yang a pretentious bastard.

However, he did not act too arrogantly, since he was all alone at the moment, and he did not dare to start a conflict with Chen Yang.

As for the employees of the Human Resources Department who were standing outside and watching, Zhou Chao knew that although they respectfully obeyed him on the surface, they actually despised him. Therefore, he did not expect his subordinates to be of any help; it was already good enough if they didn't stab him in the back.

He sat in his office chair, staring coldly at Chen Yang, just waiting for the security guards to arrive so he could severely deal with this insolent young man.