Chapter 206 Special Treatment

Wang Hao frowned and thought to himself, I didn't pay for this, could it be Chen Yang who paid? Impossible, he's just a poor student, where could he afford a 110,000 yuan bill?

Wang Hao put his wallet back and asked the cashier, "Do you know who paid for this?"

The cashier replied, "Mr. Wang, it was the Manager Yang you brought here to play before."

Manager Yang?

Wang Hao thought for a moment, and then it dawned on him, Manager Yang, isn't that Nie's driver Yang Longkai? To flatter Yang Longkai, he had instructed the staff to call him Manager Yang, which Yang Longkai quite enjoyed.

However, Wang Hao couldn't understand why it would be Yang Longkai, whom he was trying to cozy up to, suddenly doing a favor. What kind of generosity had come over Yang Longkai out of the blue, paying his bill for him?

Without overthinking it, Wang Hao asked the cashier, "Where is Manager Yang now? Is he here?"

"Manager Yang had to leave early for some work."