Chapter 220 Long Ting Intervenes

Chen Yang greeted Lu Cheng and the others before taking a seat and chatting for a bit. Lu Cheng asked, "Brother Chen, what brings you to Shangjing this time?"

"Ran into a bit of trouble," Chen Yang said, feigning difficulty as he stroked his chin.

"Brother Chen, why not tell me about it? Maybe I can help," Lu Cheng seriously replied.

Chen Yang didn't hide anything and recounted the matter of Chen Zheng forcing An Ning into marriage.

Chen Zheng's reputation was well-known in the upper circles, and the members of Long Ting present also knew about his chaotic and perverted private life. When they learned that An Ning was to marry Chen Zheng, everyone felt a pang of pity.

After explaining the situation, Chen Yang didn't beat around the bush and straightforwardly asked, "Brother Lu, do you have any way to get the Chens and the Ans to call off the marriage arrangement?"