Chapter 248: Cheating

When He Zhikang pushed all his chips forward, the entire room erupted.

There were only one hundred chips on the table, but the value was staggering—it all added up to one hundred million US dollars.

Although there were many tycoons present, that amount of money still held an irresistible allure.

"Mr. He really has quite the nerve, I'm impressed."

Seeing that He Zhikang had called, Chen Yang smiled and gave a polite gesture of respect, which left He Zhikang feeling like he had fallen into a trap, and his heart was somewhat uneasy.

He couldn't understand why this man always seemed to exert an inexplicable pressure on him.

Moreover, he had already had him investigated—wasn't this kid just an ordinary college student? Could there be something special about him?

"Stay calm, I must win this hand."