Chapter 8 Are You Really Capable or Not


Qin Yu's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

"I'm.... I'm so sorry!"

Yan Mingyu was also stunned. This was just too embarrassing; she had actually vomited all over someone.

"It's okay... Ms. Yan, take a seat. I'll deal with it!"

Qin Yu waved his hand.

As a kid who grew up in the countryside, he wasn't that squeamish. Besides, Yan Mingyu hadn't eaten anything that evening; it was just some alcohol that she vomited.

After wiping his shirt with tissue paper, he went to the bathroom and started cleaning up with a mop.

Yan Mingyu slumped on the sofa, her eyes half-closed, watching Qin Yu bustling about and couldn't help but let her thoughts wander.

Both had the same name, Qin Yu, but why had one betrayed her, while the other didn't mind getting dirty, didn't mind the fatigue, and took care of her wholeheartedly and responsibly?

If, initially, she had had a whirlwind marriage with this "Qin Yu," would they have been happy together?

"Ms. Yan... have some water!"

Qin Yu was very efficient. After cleaning up the mess on the floor, he poured a cup of warm water for Yan Mingyu.

"Thank you....."

Yan Mingyu took the cup, sipped a little, and looking at Qin Yu's shirt stained by her, she suggested, "Take off your shirt and put it in the washing machine, it has an automatic drying function, it will be ready to wear soon!"

"No need... Ms. Yan!"

Qin Yu quickly gestured with his hand. Alone with a woman, how could he feel at ease taking off his clothes in Yan Mingyu's home?

"Am I going to eat you up?"

Yan Mingyu glared, she couldn't really let Qin Yu go home in a taxi smelling like this, could she?

"...Alright then!"

Qin Yu reluctantly nodded.

"I'm going to rest upstairs, once the clothes are dry you can go home. You can come to the company two hours late tomorrow, it won't count as tardy!"

After Yan Mingyu finished speaking, she went upstairs with a slight hand on her head.

"Thank you, Ms. Yan!"

Qin Yu felt a bit touched.

Despite her decisive and ruthless demeanor in the company, she was actually quite nice to him, her little bodyguard.

He then went into the bathroom, took off his shirt, and threw it into the washing machine.

Probably within half an hour, the shirt was washed and dried.

Qin Yu put it back on and stepped out of the bathroom.


Just then, a sound of something heavy falling came from upstairs.

"What's happening?"

Qin Yu felt a pang of alarm and ran upstairs in just a few steps: "Ms. Yan....."

"I.... I'm over here...."

A weak voice from Yan Mingyu came from one of the rooms.

"Ms. Yan, are you okay?"

Qin Yu rushed over, pushed the door open, and saw Yan Mingyu half-kneeling on the floor, clutching the right side of her chest tightly.

Her polished forehead was drenched in cold sweat.

"My... my stomach hurts so much!"

Yan Mingyu said, raising a pained face.

"It must be because you didn't eat anything tonight, just drank alcohol, and it hurt your stomach!"

While helping Yan Mingyu up, Qin Yu said, "My grandfather was a barefoot doctor, and I've learned a little bit of traditional Chinese massage. Let me help you ease it!"


Yan Mingyu asked uncertainly.

"Yeah, when I was in the army, I helped comrades with stomachaches, and it worked!"

Qin Yu said with certainty.

"Then... give it a try!"

Yan Mingyu's stomach felt like it was being stabbed with a knife and burning with fire; the pain was unbearable, and she wanted to relieve it as soon as possible.

Still, she couldn't help but ask, "Where... where will you press?"

After all, her stomach was just below the chest.

That's a woman's private area.

"The foot will do, all of our organs have corresponding reflex areas on the soles of our feet!"

Qin Yu explained.


"Oh... Okay!"

Yan Mingyu breathed a sigh of relief, had Qin Yu said it was below the chest, she really couldn't have accepted it.

By comparison, the soles of the feet were much better.

In a foot bath center, there are male and female customers; it's completely normal to have a masseur work on your feet.

"Then, Manager Yan, please have a seat!"

Qin Yu helped Yan Mingyu sit down on the couch.

She wore a beige nightgown with a rather loose neckline.

A glimpse of snowy whiteness made Qin Yu's heart uncontrollably thump and thump.

However, Qin Yu was a man with great self-control.

He quickly averted his gaze, half-kneeling on the ground, he reached out and held Yan Mingyu's white, attractive little foot.

The tender toes were like little radishes.

Long and rounded, as if boneless.

Who would have thought that not only was this woman's face stunningly beautiful, but even her feet were so exquisite!

For a moment, Qin Yu was slightly distracted.

"Do you... really know how to do this?"

Seeing Qin Yu hold her foot motionless, Yan Mingyu's expression began to show some displeasure.

"I'm sorry, Manager Yan, right away!"

Qin Yu came back to his senses, his index finger curved, pressing against the stomach reflex area on the sole of Yan Mingyu's foot, and began to massage.


Yan Mingyu, having never had a foot massage, struggled to get used to the feeling of swelling and pain.

She couldn't help but cry out.

The next second, she clenched her lips tightly and glared at Qin Yu, "What are you doing? Why does it hurt so much?"

"Er... Manager Yan, please bear with it a little longer, just half a minute at most. If your condition doesn't improve, feel free to do with me whatever you want, okay?"

Qin Yu looked up and spoke earnestly.

"Fine, I'll give you half a minute!"

Yan Mingyu said coldly.

If this man was taking the opportunity to take liberties with her, she would make sure he paid dearly.

"Hmm, your stomach reflex area is currently blue, indicating symptoms of stomach cold and indigestion. It will be fine once it turns red!"

As Qin Yu massaged the center of Yan Mingyu's foot, he said.

From this angle, he could see the whole of Yan Mingyu's long, white, slender leg.

He couldn't help but lower his head and swallow.

Fortunately, his technique was indeed effective.

Yan Mingyu felt the stabbing and burning sensation in her stomach gradually fade away.

She simply closed her eyes and enjoyed it, finally falling into a drowsy sleep.

"Manager Yan...."

It wasn't until Qin Yu woke her again, a steaming bowl of clear broth egg noodles in hand, placed on the coffee table, "Eat something, otherwise your stomach might still be upset tomorrow. If there's nothing else, I'll be going!"

"... Thank you!"

The considerate gesture warmed Yan Mingyu's heart.

"Then I'm leaving!"

Qin Yu turned, closed the door behind him, and left the room.

"Heh, both named Qin Yu, but how come the difference is so huge?"

Yan Mingyu looked at the egg noodles, which were enticing in taste and aroma, and couldn't help but smile wryly while recalling that disgusting man.

Shaking her head, she walked over to the coffee table, picked up the bowl, and began to eat.


She had assumed that a dish cooked by a man would just be edible. But, to her surprise, it actually tasted quite good.

It was not the least bit inferior to the food made by the full-time housekeeper who was on leave back home.

After finishing the bowl of noodles, Yan Mingyu felt as though she had come back to life.

Sighing deeply, she thought for a moment, then dialed the "major shareholder's" number, "Xiaoxiao, how are you doing, all right?"

"Hee hee, baby, did you forget I'm a doctor myself? I took an anti-hangover pill when I got home. And you?"

Liu Xiaoxiao asked cheerfully.

"I'm fine too. By the way, do you know any lawyers? Help me find one. I want to get rid of that bastard, and end the marriage as soon as possible!"

Yan Mingyu did have lawyers at her company, but divorce was a private matter; she didn't want it to become public knowledge.
