Chapter 6: Self-Indulgence

"Hey, who the hell are you?"

The pretty girl saw Yan Mingyu's gaze, cold as ice as if it could freeze someone to death, and immediately became unhappy.

"Right... do we know each other?"

Xu Peng was also full of confusion.

To him, Yan Mingyu, after her disguise, was an utterly unfamiliar face.

"Heh... sorry, I got the wrong person!"

Yan Mingyu mocked herself, not expecting that her "husband" not only had found new love but also didn't recognize her at all.

It was laughable that on her way here, she had been thinking if he were willing to work with her to manage this marriage well, she would reveal her true identity to him.

She planned to let him into Four Seas Corporation to start from the bottom, and eventually, together, they would control this company worth hundreds of billions.

It seemed, all her affection was unrequited...

Yan Mingyu sneered in her heart.

This marriage had begun bizarrely and was ending just as strangely.

She took a deep look at the affectionate man and woman at the door, then turned and walked out of the yard.

"Big head, that woman was so weird! It's like this place... is a bit abnormal!"

Chen Li pointed to her head.

"Hmm, that woman must not be young, and she's just average-looking. Without a man to look after her for a long time, she's bound to have issues!"

Xu Peng stroked his chin as he analyzed.

"Then... what about your boss? Did you not say he's been single all this time? He won't have any problems, will he?"

Xu Peng, a big mouth, often talked about Qin Yu's matters in front of his girlfriend.

"Hmm... when the boss comes back, I've got to have a good talk with him. What kind of thing is his wife, huh? Disappears after getting married, wasting my boss's youth."

Xu Peng nodded, stretched his neck to glance outside the yard, his face growing a bit sleazy: "Hehe, let's go, take advantage of the boss not being back yet, we'll change up the routine..."

"Stop it, you're such a teddy bear!"

Chen Li twisted the soft flesh on Xu Peng's waist and entered the next room, half-pushing and half-pulling.


Night Bar.

Yan Mingyu had removed her makeup in the restroom and reverted to her original appearance.

Bare-faced, she was still breathtakingly beautiful.

She pressed down on the brim of her hat before she went back to the booth outside and took out her phone to dial a number labeled as "Major Shareholder."


"Hello, baby?"

From the other end of the phone came a voice filled with magnetic, mature charm.

"Xiaoxiao, come out and drink with me!"

Yan Mingyu's voice was a bit bitter.

She had never dreamed that she would become a "second-hand woman" so quickly.

Although there was no emotional foundation with that dog of a man, the marriage certificate was real.

He had betrayed her, so what was the point in not getting a divorce?

"Okay, baby, send me your location!"

The mature woman cheerfully agreed.

A moment later.

A figure with flowing long hair and a standard "S" curve silhouette walked into the bar.

The tight jeans accentuated her buttocks, outlined like the full moon in the sky.

Otherwise, Yan Mingyu wouldn't have named her "Major Shareholder."


Liu Xiaoxiao waved her hand as she approached Yan Mingyu and looked her up and down: "Baby, you're getting prettier and prettiest!"

"Xiaoxiao... just call me by my name! Otherwise, people might suspect there's something wrong with our orientation!"

Yan Mingyu couldn't help but laugh and cry.

"Baby, haven't you heard the saying, 'Heterosexuality is only for reproduction, but homosexuality is where true love lies'?"

Liu Xiaoxiao propped her hands on the table, her body creating a seductive undulating curve, and said in a sultry voice.

"Alright, Xiaoxiao, I can't argue with you, let's order some drinks!"

Yan Mingyu rolled her eyes, fearing her friend would make even more explosive comments.

"Clap... Handsome, two Margaritas, please!"

Liu Xiaoxiao sat back on the sofa and snapped her fingers at the waiter.

"Okay, miss!"

The server's heart also skipped a beat with the jolting at a certain part of Liu Xiaoxiao.

Purely natural!

Absolutely natural!

The server turned around, swallowed his saliva, and then headed to the bar.

"By the way, babe, how are you and your husband doing?"

Liu Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows in question.

The two were close friends and confidantes; Yan Mingyu's marriage to a delivery guy a year ago was also no news to her.

However, since she had been doing advanced studies in a provincial capital's hospital and wasn't in East Sea, the two hadn't been able to meet for a while.

"Getting a divorce!"

Yan Mingyu said calmly.

"Hee hee, that's more like it, babe! How could a delivery guy be worthy of you?"

Liu Xiaoxiao fully supported her friend's decision to divorce.

Their status gap was too wide; being together reluctantly would never bring happiness.

"I'm divorcing him not because of his job as a delivery guy, but because... he's got another woman!"

Had Yan Mingyu truly looked down on him for being a delivery guy, she wouldn't have married him in the first place.

If he were loyal, ambitious, and good-natured, she would have been willing to spend her life with him.

But he cheated...

That was something no woman could accept.

"Ah? Damn it! Give me that scumbag's address, I'll take a scalpel and castrate him tomorrow!"

Liu Xiaoxiao, grinding her teeth, was fiercely indignant on behalf of her friend.

"Enough, Xiaoxiao, after all, he did save my grandfather's life. Let's just call it even!"

Yan Mingyu said, furrowing her brows.

Her "husband's" affair was yet unknown to her grandfather. It was he who had arranged their marriage; he would probably be very disappointed to learn the truth!

"Alright, babe, to celebrate your return to singlehood, let's drink till we're drunk tonight!"


Yan Mingyu nodded.

The stress of work and the frustration of her feelings made her want to get thoroughly drunk.

"Miss, your Margarita!"

At that moment, the server brought over the cocktail Liu Xiaoxiao had ordered.


The two friends began drinking.

Gradually, the table filled with empty cups.

Both beauties had rosy cheeks and were slightly tipsy.

"Babe... babe... there are some guys over there, they've been staring at us the whole time!"

Liu Xiaoxiao moistened her bewitching lips.

"Then... then I'll call my bodyguard!"

Yan Mingyu was also quite drunk, but still alert.

The men who had been staring at them were burly, wearing thick gold chains, clearly up to no good.

"Good... I also want to see what the man serving as your personal bodyguard looks like!"

Liu Xiaoxiao said, her breath reeking of alcohol.

She knew her friend well; Mingyu was exceedingly picky. A man chosen as her bodyguard was definitely extraordinary.


"Come... come to Night Color Bar!"

Once Qin Yu answered the phone, Yan Mingyu slurred her words.


Qin Yu responded.

"Big brother, that beauty called for a pickup!"

"We're close to the urban village; bring them over there—useless even if the cops show up!"

"Let's go!"

The several hulking men didn't want to let go of the prey that had fallen into their laps. With a lecherous gleam in their eyes, they headed towards Yan Mingyu's table.