Chapter 27: Badly Hurt by a Woman

"Heh heh, Mr. Qin, you pay the cash, I give my life, you don't owe me anything!"

Qin Yu said with a silly smile, his head raised.

In just the time it took to speak, the muddy floodwaters had already submerged his chest.

"You... are you trying to infuriate me to death?"

Tears welled up in Yan Mingyu's eyes—it was this fool who had given up the only chance of survival to her!

If he really died, she would feel guilty for the rest of her life.

"Mr. Yan... I'm serious, I'm still in debt for hundreds of thousands. When the time comes, please go to Wutong Town for me, say you're my boss and use the relief funds to pay off the rest of my debts. I don't want others to say that I was a deadbeat who didn't pay his debts!"

Qin Yu looked at Yan Mingyu and spoke very earnestly.


Yan Mingyu was so angry she felt cramps in her abdomen, biting her silver teeth: "You don't seem like someone who squanders money on food, drink, prostitutes, and gambling, how did you get into this debt?"