Chapter 57: Truly Brave

"So... while you're not in East Sea these few days, what about the company?"

Cousin Yan Jingyi's eyes flickered for a moment before she asked.

"You want to manage it for me?"

Yan Mingyu gave her cousin a cold glance.

"I... don't mean that, I'm just worried about Liu Nanyan..."

Yan Mingyu's presence was too imposing; despite Yan Jingyi being a branch general manager, she struggled to speak clearly in front of her.

"I will manage remotely. If anything happens to the company, I, Yan Mingyu, will take full responsibility alone. Are you satisfied now?"

Yan Mingyu said with a resolute tone.


The others exchanged glances, but no one spoke again.

"What are you all staring at, get out of the way!"

Yan Mingyu barked an order.

The crowd parted on both sides, revealing the obscured door to the sickroom.

"Wait a minute, Mingyu!"