Chapter 75: Sending Flowers

"Longteng Hotel. I've already made the reservation; just follow the navigation."

Li Lu placed her cellphone on the center console.

"Oh, Longteng Hotel... I've never heard of it!"

Recently, over the past few months, Qin Yu had only been frequenting Five Stars hotels with Yan Mingyu; this was his first time hearing about Longteng Hotel.

"Shen Tao, you remember him, right? The guy who especially loved to fight, in our senior year that guy even got a girl pregnant. Longteng Hotel is his place. Though it's not a Five Stars hotel, it's pretty impressive. After I got in touch with him, I suggested everyone go to his hotel!"

Li Lu turned her head to look at Qin Yu as she spoke.

"Heh, how could I forget? Because of you, I even fought him!"

Qin Yu said with a wry smile.

It seemed that was when he had started to like Li Lu, wasn't it?

"I know, but at that time all my focus was on studying. Many boys chased after me, but I didn't accept any of them!"