Chapter 107: This is What You Call Low-key

Boom boom....

At the same time, the ground in the yard seemed to tremble.

It was as if some prehistoric beast was dragging its gigantic body closer.

What the hell?

Cao Zhan and the villa's owner exchanged glances, both seeing doubt and tension in each other's eyes.

They might be badass, but they wouldn't dare to oppose the military, right?

"Boss.... Boss...."

The panting doorman of the villa rushed in, stuttering, "There's trouble, a bunch of trucks have arrived at the gate, filled with people...."


Cao Zhan and the villa's owner were stunned.


As the circling helicopter descended, a rope ladder was dropped.

A group of agile youths in camouflage slid down the ladder.

Upon reaching the rooftop, they quickly took control of the strategic high points for sniping.

Then, a middle-aged man with a crew cut also slid down and briskly approached Wenrou, "Wenrou, are you okay?"

"It was a close call!"