Chapter 141: The Show Begins

"Officer, there's no need to go through all that trouble; I can prove my innocence right away!"

Qin Yu said calmly.

"How... how would you prove it?"

The male police officer was taken aback and asked.

"I need Yan Mingyu to do me a favor by putting a little pressure on Zhou Cuiping, and she will reveal her slip-ups. Just mention two key points: first, the rendezvous in Nanshan Park, and second, that her date was named Old Zhang. Tell her, mother and daughter, that their little maneuvers behind the scenes are all under my control!"

Qin Yu laid out his case methodically.

"All right, I'll do it immediately!"

Yan Mingyu nodded and left the room.

"So everything was under your control after all, making me worry for nothing!"

Liu Xiaoxiao straightened her skirt and sat down beside Qin Yu like a proper lady.

"Uh... I'll go make some tea!"