Chapter 204 Is it worth it?


Dark as ink.

The evening sky was ablaze with sunset clouds, but now it was covered with dark clouds.

"The weather forecast is getting less and less accurate!"

Yan Mingyu glanced out the window at the willows swaying continuously and couldn't help but frown.

A night of pitch-black winds is perfect for murder and arson.

Not only do friends who often commit murders know this, Yan Mingyu knew it too.

If a storm was added to the mix, her side's situation would likely become even worse.

"It's really strange, the weather forecast I checked didn't mention a storm for tonight?"

Black Tortoise also picked up his phone, tapped on it, and looked again.

"Forget it, let's go back to the hospital! Pei Luoyan will definitely come tonight!"


Black Tortoise asked the owner for an umbrella, opened it, and walked with Yan Mingyu toward the hospital across the street.

Boom, boom, boom...