Chapter 209 Cautious Consideration


Tang Black Tortoise's voice trembled a little.

Half of it was out of shame, as he finally submitted to the demoness Pei Luoyan. The other half was from feeling truly on the verge of breaking down, like a tightly shut city gate about to be breached by raging floodwaters and ferocious beasts.

"I'm begging you, let me go relieve myself, I can't hold it any longer!"

Tang Black Tortoise said with a flushed face.

At the same time, he kept numbing his mind, telling himself that a true man should be flexible. Han Xin had even endured the humiliation of crawling between someone's legs; all he had to do was to yield to a woman.

"I said no means no! I've already got enough trouble as it is, I don't want to have to watch out for one more person!"

Pei Luoyan waved her arm dismissively, speaking very dominantly.

"You... fucking... pervert!"

Eventually, Tang Black Tortoise burst out swearing, to hell with poise, to hell with image, all he wanted now was to take a shit!