Chapter 219 Identity Gap

"Yo, Miss Yan, haven't seen you and your other half around for a while!"

The breakfast shop owner, a man in his fifties, warmly greeted Yan Mingyu as soon as she entered the door.

Previously, when Qin Yu was her bodyguard, he would pick her up in the mornings and stop by this breakfast shop every so often.

Later, when Qin Yu was transferred to the branch office as general manager, Yan Mingyu hadn't come here since.

Otherwise, walking in with a dozen bodyguards to eat breakfast would seem a bit like showing off.


Yan Mingyu looked a bit embarrassed, not knowing how to explain.

"Haha, boss, you've got it wrong, I'm just Miss Yan's driver!"

Qin Yu said with a slight smile, stepping in to ease the situation. Then, he very skillfully ordered, "The usual, one bowl of clear soup, another with mild spice. No garlic and no spring onions in either."