Chapter 13 Studying so as not to be kept by a rich woman!

I still have fond memories of campus life.

In the last two months or so, we basically had a mock exam every week.

Musen's grades were always quite good, but during that time, they slipped a bit because he was busy trying to win over Yao Mingyue.

But he still had a solid foundation.

In his previous life, he feared that his marks wouldn't be enough to get into the same university as Yao Mingyue.

But he later guessed that even if he really did fail the college entrance exam, Yao Mingyue would still apply to the same university as him, give him a surprise by secretly joining him, and take the opportunity to tease him mercilessly!

To Yao Mingyue, who was already financially independent, what's more important than clinging onto a good husband rather than applying to a good school?

In a way, she was quite sweet to Musen.

It's just that Musen was really unable to enjoy his luck; to get rid of her, the only way was to get accepted into one of the top universities and change his preference to a different institution.

Musen took a deep breath.

To study not to be kept by a rich woman!

A man should strive to strengthen himself!

During class, Yao Mingyue would always pretend to turn around nonchalantly.

Before, Musen loved to gaze at her back during class, sometimes even drooling over her.

Remembering these moments, Yao Mingyue felt especially triumphant inside, but she had no idea how many times she had turned around that morning.

However, Musen had been focusing on his book all morning, which nearly made Yao Mingyue crush her pen in frustration.

Am I not prettier than a couple of chemical equations?

At noon, it was time for lunch.

"Moriko, you really were something this morning, studying the whole time, not even going to the bathroom when called."

He Qiang stretched his neck.

"Good kidney function, no frequent urination," Musen closed his book as well.

"Go to hell!"

He Qiang spit out, "After lunch, meet me in the garden behind the sports field."

Musen raised an eyebrow, warily looking at his best friend, "Isn't that place for couples to date? What do you want?"

"Get lost! I have something serious to tell you."

Musen laughed, closed his book, and stood up.

But his gaze met with Yao Mingyue's.

During lunchtime in the past, Musen always clung to Yao Mingyue, having lunch with her.

But now, Musen just patted He Qiang on the shoulder, "Come on, Qiang Zi, I'll treat you to a chicken drumstick today."

He Qiang also saw Yao Mingyue's expressionless face; the pressure was too much.

His bro had it hard sometimes.

The brotherly loyalty in He Qiang!

Suddenly he clutched his stomach, "I can't, I have a frequent need to urinate! I'll go to the restroom first; you go ahead and eat."

With that, He Qiang slipped away like a black catfish.

Musen: ...

He saw the fleeting smugness in Yao Mingyue's eyes. She deliberately slowed down, waiting for Musen to strike up a conversation.

Musen kept a normal expression, went straight out the back door, and ran towards the canteen.

Yao Mingyue watched his retreating figure, clenched her fist.

"Ming Yue, I'm sure he's just too shy to speak to you. Boys always want to save face; maybe he's rushing to save a seat for you in the canteen," her short-haired best friend Liu Ruonan said with a smile, "Wasn't he always securing a spot in advance and waiting to eat with you before?"

Yao Mingyue's complexion improved somewhat, but her pride made her snort lightly, "Who needs him to save a seat?"

But even though she said that, her pace quickened a bit, and she started walking toward the canteen.

High school canteens, lining up for food could be as intense as the Normandy landings.

There's an old saying: a young man at his prime can eat his father into bankruptcy.

This age group is in the final sprint of growth and development, and their appetites are frighteningly large.

Musen went to get a barbecue rice bowl with an extra chicken leg, then carried his plate to a corner spot and began devouring his meal with gusto.

Ming Yue and her best friend also entered the restaurant; Ming Yue's naturally aloof aura always made people keep a subconscious distance from her.

Especially the boys, who always liked to mention Ming Yue in their conversations, but turned red-faced and lacked the courage to even stand with her upon meeting her in person.

Her short-haired best friend also benefitted from this, seldom having to wait in long lines at the restaurant.

Both of them ordered a bowl of tonkotsu ramen and a plate of fruit salad.

Ming Yue could always spot Musen in a crowd at a glance.

And, there were indeed empty seats next to Musen.

"Hehe, see, I told you he's just too embarrassed."

The short-haired best friend said with a chuckle.

Ming Yue also curved her lips slightly and the two walked over to take the seats.

Of course, her best friend was considerate enough to leave a seat between herself and Musen.

Musen was gnawing on a chicken leg; the familiar scent reached his nose, and he knew who had arrived without even looking up.

An inescapable presence...

"Musen, for a guy, you really shouldn't be so coy. If you want to make up with Ming Yue, just apologize, isn't it that simple? Why be so awkward?"

The short-haired best friend initiated the conversation on behalf of Ming Yue.

Musen was still chewing on his chicken leg, glancing at Ming Yue in front of him, who still maintained her cool expression.

"Why should I apologize?" Musen's gaze landed on the girl again.

Liu Ruonan was taken aback, "You, you said such harsh words to Ming Yue last week..."

"What was harsh about them? I've already admitted I'm nothing but a toad and respected her wishes not to foolishly pursue her anymore. Isn't that enough?"

Musen spoke calmly, even with a hint of a smile.

The onlookers ready for a show were all startled.

Ming Yue bit her lip tightly, her phoenix eyes squinting at Musen; she really couldn't understand the person in front of her anymore.

Her best friend, Liu Ruonan, choked up without response for a while, then became somewhat indignant.

"I mean, you're a grown man, is it necessary to say such nasty things just because your confession wasn't successful?

Clearly, if you just bowed your head and apologized, you and Ming Yue could still be friends. Besides, aren't you deliberately keeping a seat for Ming Yue right now?"

She emphasized particularly.

"Who said I'm saving seats for you? You two chose to sit there yourselves; don't be so self-absorbed, okay?"

Musen found it amusing, but also slightly helpless.

In the past, when he and Ming Yue came to the restaurant, they were a given pair, and over time, everyone knew Musen would always be accompanied by Ming Yue within three steps.

So even if Musen came to eat alone, there would always be one or two seats next to him left unoccupied, with no one daring to take them.

With his remark, Liu Ruonan and Ming Yue were turned into clowns right on the spot... more like Harley Quinn!

Ming Yue clenched her chopsticks so hard they were on the verge of snapping, her gaze fixed intently on Musen's retreating back.

Liu Ruonan, publicly humiliated like this, flushed so red her freckles stood out: "Musen! Are you even a man? Just because you didn't succeed in confessing your feelings, there's no need to insult others like this!"

Musen found it noisy; half the cafeteria was looking their way, making it impossible to enjoy his meal in peace.

He quickly shoveled the rest of his meal into his mouth, stood up, and walked away with his tray.

"He, how could he act like that, Ming Yue, you..."

Liu Ruonan was so angry her freckled face turned red.


The chopsticks in Ming Yue's hand snapped, she looked at Musen's departing figure, barely controlling the emotions welling inside her.

"Musen..." she enunciated the name word by word to herself.

The people around, witnessing the current state of Ming Yue, gradually averted their eyes, not knowing what to make of the scene.

The scorching summer heat.

They all felt a chill, sensing that... Musen may be in for a rough time ahead.