Chapter 124 Yao Mingyue, The Dandelion Promise._2


"There are advantages to each, it's just that becoming a couple raises the threshold. Some actions, like kissing and hugging, should be a natural expression of affection that comes when the relationship naturally progresses, rather than reasons to become a couple."

Xu Musen spoke slowly, lowering his head to look at An Nuannuan, "In any case, the identity of a couple carries more weight in terms of responsibility. Friends can easily make up after a dispute, but once a couple breaks up, it's basically impossible to reconcile. So, if you haven't recognized true affection, it's better not to cross that line too hastily."

As Xu Musen spoke, he also felt a wave of melancholy in his heart.

In his previous life, he and Yao Mingyue definitely had feelings for each other, but they both only stood from their own perspectives.

They both ignored how the other felt.

Maybe he had long confused the dependency and friendship of childhood sweethearts with love.