Chapter 1 Idle


"Ouch, old man, you're really going to be the death of me!"

The setting sun's afterglow spread across the land, draping Baofu Village in a layer of golden gauze.

Ye Fei had just walked into the village committee office when he heard a woman's call, half scolding half coquetting, from a distance.

It was quickly followed by a man's smug, mischievous chuckle.

"We're barely getting started. Lie there and don't move. When I come back, I'm going to plow your 'field' all over again!"

The Ye Fei in the yard was immediately shocked on the spot.

Wasn't that the village beauty Zhao Tingting and the village chief Li Yougui?

Was the old guy cheating?

Suddenly, Li Yougui inside the house actually stood up and started walking out.

Ye Fei, still in a daze, was startled.

Turning and running away now was certainly too late; in his panic, he turned and darted into the village committee's restroom.

No sooner had he hidden himself than he saw Li Yougui coming out, fastening his belt.

What made Ye Fei's heart race was that Li Yougui was actually heading straight for the restroom.

It was over; he was definitely done for!

Discovering their scandal, they might be desperate enough to silence him!

Ye Fei's mind went blank as he watched Li Yougui approach, without any idea of what to do.

Just as he reached the restroom door, Li Yougui suddenly stopped.

"Hey, where did it go? That saucy fox Ting Ting insists I put that thing on; it's so annoying."

"Nope, gotta go home and get a few more."

Li Yougui, standing at the restroom door, muttered to himself and, giving up on using the restroom, turned and walked out of the village committee.

Ye Fei broke out in a cold sweat inside the restroom.

He felt as though he had narrowly escaped a calamity.

Only after listening to the footsteps fade away did Ye Fei run out of the restroom.

Not daring to linger, he was anxious to leave.

But just as he reached the door, he stopped abruptly.

"Dammit, with Zhao Tingting left in there alone, what am I afraid of?"

"Li Feng that bastard hasn't stopped bullying me. If I have a peek at his wife, at least I'll get some of my due."

Ye Fei decided on the spot, took a deep breath, and mustered the courage to walk toward the window.

He tiptoed up, squinted his eyes, and peeked inside.

At this moment, Zhao Tingting was still lying on the table, seemingly impatient, gently swaying her body.

Her figure was voluptuous, and her skin, flawlessly white.

Her dark hair was pulled up high, revealing a swan-like neck.


It was Ye Fei's first time witnessing a woman bare, let alone in such a tempting position, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Zhao Tingting was beautiful, with a melon-seed face and peach-blossom eyes.

Seductive in appearance and adept at self-adornment, she stood out in this small mountain village.

Many of the old dames in the village would gossip behind her back, calling her a saucy fox.

Though their words were harsh, Ye Fei knew those old dames were green with envy.

What Ye Fei could never have dreamed was that Zhao Tingting would actually have an affair right inside the village committee...

"Aren't you going to come inside? What are you staring through the window for?"

Lost in his thoughts, Ye Fei was suddenly jolted by Zhao Tingting's soft rebuke from inside.

He was alarmed and realized his shadow, cast by the setting sun, had fallen on the eastern wall inside, and Zhao Tingting had seen it.

Damn, that saucy fox thinks I'm Li Yougui.

If that's the case, I might as well go in and have my way with her.

She can't complain about it afterwards.

Besides, putting a green hat on that bastard Li Feng, I'd die happy.

Having made up his mind, Ye Fei steeled his heart.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped into the room from the side.

Zhao Tingting didn't suspect a thing and stayed motionless over the table.

"Hurry up, I'm starting to dry up here," she urged, clearly unsatisfied.

Ye Fei was even more anxious than she was at this moment.

Standing behind Zhao Tingting, his eyes nearly shot fire.

He fumbled with his belt with one hand, and with the other, tremblingly reached towards Zhao Tingting, eager to touch her.

Her soft and smooth skin was so exciting that Ye Fei felt his blood boil.


She's really damn bewitching.

Li Yougui that old bastard wasn't lying.

This really is a 'field' waiting to be plowed.

Li Feng, you bastard, for bullying me.

I'll help you plow your wife's 'field' well!

"Weren't you just saying you wanted to plow my 'field' again? What's taking so long, or can you not do it anymore?"

Zhao Tingting, evidently still unfulfilled, urged impatiently.

Ye Fei realized that Li Yougui could come back at any moment, and if he didn't hurry up, he might get caught in the room.


He suddenly loosened his pants and straightened his back with a jerk.

"Ouch, did you sneak off to take some medicine? Get some of that stuff for your useless son so he won't finish in just a few seconds every time."

"I don't know how you managed to birth such a good-for-nothing. It's bad enough that he's got no talent, but he's full of schemes too. Just to get Ye Daming's wife, Zhang Shufen, into bed, he even bought some 'happy water'."

"Spending so much money just for that shake, poisoning someone with drugs. I saw him heading toward Ye Daming's house earlier, probably has his pants on by now, the bastard's truly throwing the family's money away!"


Ye Fei felt like he had been struck by lightning when he heard this.

He never expected to come back to the village after graduating and encounter such a scene.

Without further thought, neglecting even Zhao Tingting, he dashed towards the outside.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? No reaction at all; are you struck dumb?"

Zhao Tingting was puzzled and suddenly turned her head to look.

This glance turned her pale, and she covered her mouth exclaiming in shock, "Ye Fei!"

Ye Fei couldn't care about anything else. He ran madly toward his house while cursing continuously in his heart.

"Li Feng, you son of a bitch, if you dare touch Shu Fen's sister-in-law even a hair, I'll kill you!"

Ye Fei was so anxious because he was Ye Daming's brother, and Zhang Shufen was his sister-in-law.

Zhang Shufen, twenty-six this year, looked like a fairy descended from heaven.

An oval face, willow leaf eyebrows, big dewy eyes, a delicate nose, and cherry-red lips.

Not only was she stunningly beautiful, but her figure was also impeccable.

The soft whiteness of her skin, along with her ethereal aura, even if set within ten miles, she was unanimously the number one beauty.

Unfortunately, since ancient times, beautiful women have been prone to tragic fates.

Ever since Zhang Shufen married into the Zhang family, her husband Ye Daming had been paralyzed from an accident.

The villagers all thought Zhang Shufen would leave Ye Daming and remarry, but instead, she stayed in the desolate village, living like a widow.

Ye Fei's parents had died early, and his grandfather passed away a few years ago.

Over the years, it was essentially his sister-in-law taking care of the two brothers.

Therefore, in Ye Fei's heart, his feelings for his sister-in-law were profound, and he absolutely wouldn't allow anyone to bully her!


Meanwhile, in a small farmhouse courtyard.

A muscular Li Feng pinned Zhang Shufen down on the altar table in the main room.

Zhang Shufen's face flushed red, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

While desperately struggling, she shouted in anger, "Beast, let me go, or I'll call for help!"

"Heh heh, call for help? Go ahead and scream; even if you break your throat, no one will come to save you!" Li Feng sneered with a lecherous laugh, his small eyes brimming with malice.

Feeling Li Feng's predatory gaze, Zhang Shufen's heart sank, trying to resist, but she found her strength fading away...

"Li Feng! I warn you, don't mess around!"

Just then, a sudden angry shout came from the next room.

The person who spoke was Ye Daming, Ye Fei's brother, who had been paralyzed for many years.

At this moment, his eyes were bloodshot, his teeth almost crushed from gritting, but sadly he couldn't move, lying on the bed in desperation.

Hearing the voice, Li Feng scoffed, tauntingly saying, "Ye Daming, what right does a cripple like you have to warn me?"

"Today, I'm going to take good care of your wife no matter what..."

As Li Feng spoke, he reached out towards Zhang Shufen.


With a sharp noise, the neckline of Zhang Shufen's dress was instantly torn, revealing the tender white skin beneath.

Zhang Shufen's delicate body shivered, attempting to cover herself with her hands, but Li Feng firmly gripped them, rendering her entirely unable to move.

After several futile attempts, tears started pouring down her face, her heart filled with despair.

What she didn't know was that her pitiable appearance was only further igniting the flame of desire within Li Feng.

Li Feng licked his dry lips, and with a hoarse voice, he lunged towards Zhang Shufen.

"Bastard, stop right there!"

Just as Li Feng was about to kiss Zhang Shufen, a furious shout from the doorway startled him significantly.

When he realized it was Ye Fei who had returned, his irritation surged.

"You little bastard, scaring me like that, do you want to die?"

"I think the one wanting to die is you!" Ye Fei said as he rapidly charged at Li Feng.

Scoffing at Ye Fei's action, Li Feng's eyes showed disdain.

Having trained in martial arts at a military school since childhood, he was no match for ordinary people, let alone the scrawny Ye Fei.

"Seeking death!"

Li Feng sneered, grabbed a wooden bench, and smashed it toward Ye Fei's head.

The wooden bench in the rural areas was both heavy and hard; if hit by it, one would at least sustain a concussion.



Ye Fei's head took a severe blow from the bench, distorting his face with pain.

Soon after, a deluge of blood gushed out, obscured his entire face, looking horrifying.

"Xiao Fei!"

Everything happened so fast. By the time Ye Daming and Zhang Shufen, the couple, could react, Ye Fei was leaning sideways, collapsing onto the small table where his grandfather's portrait was displayed.

Ye Daming was so anxious his forehead veins bulged, but it was fortunate that Zhang Shufen was by his side. She rushed over to Ye Fei to try and stop the bleeding.

But what neither of them noticed was that when Ye Fei's blood dripped onto the grandfather's portrait, it was strangely absorbed.

The next second, the old man's eyes suddenly blinked, and the corners of his mouth curled into a vague smile...