Chapter 11 Paying Back Money

Ye Fei didn't even bother to pull out the car keys as he dashed toward the house like an arrow.

Zhang Shufen's face was streaked with tears; her hands were firmly clamped by Wang Daniu, pinned down on the dining table.

No matter how hard she struggled, shaking the table with a creaking noise, she couldn't free herself.

Li Feng, with a lecherous expression, was licking his lips while standing in front of Zhang Shufen, frantically tearing at his belt.

Seeing the two of them bullying his sister-in-law like this, Ye Fei felt his eyes about to bleed with rage.

"Li Feng, go to hell!"

After cursing furiously, Ye Fei took an arrow step and appeared behind Li Feng just as Li Feng turned around upon hearing the commotion.

Before Li Feng could react, Ye Fei viciously slapped him across the face.


Li Feng spun around twice on the spot before collapsing to the ground, blood immediately streaming down from the corner of his mouth.

Covering his burning cheek, Li Feng didn't even bother to wipe away the blood at the corner of his mouth as he pointed at Ye Fei and cursed furiously.

"Motherfucker, you dare hit me. Big Bull, beat him up!"

Wang Daniu, who was controlling Zhang Shufen, was petrified by the surging killing intent in Ye Fei's eyes.

His hand, which had been reaching for Zhang Shufen's chest, now hovered above it, trembling uncontrollably.

"Wang Daniu, I would have let you escape today and not pursued matters further. But goddamn it, you had the nerve to follow this bastard Li Feng to my house and bully my sister-in-law!"

Wang Daniu, already terrified by Ye Fei's fierce appearance, was speechless with tremors as Ye Fei approached him.


Ye Fei didn't give him a chance to react, smashing a punch into his nose.

Suddenly, blood splattered everywhere.

The sharp pain finally snapped Wang Daniu back to reality.

"Little Fei, it's all a misunderstanding, I…"


Ye Fei didn't listen to his bullshit, grabbing Wang Daniu who was clutching his nose and delivered another punch, giving him a black eye.

"Misunderstanding my ass!"

Two consecutive punches completely subdued Wang Daniu.

Today, Wang Daniu's good opportunity was ruined by Ye Fei, and he was brooding with frustration.

He believed it was because Ye Fei had taken the initiative, causing him to be at a disadvantage.

As he was pondering how to get back at Ye Fei, Li Feng happened to invite him to Ye Fei's house to settle debts.

Li Feng also mentioned that Zhang Shufen surely couldn't repay the money, so they decided they would force her to settle the debt with her body as an excuse. Energized by the idea, Wang Daniu immediately agreed.

This would not only allow him to get revenge on Ye Fei but also to sleep with the stunning beauty Zhang Shufen, the envy of all the village men.

Such a golden opportunity was hard to find, so he readily joined forces with Li Feng in their disgraceful act and headed to Ye Fei's house.

He had thought he was about to thoroughly enjoy Zhang Shufen's company, but before they could even get started, they were blocked inside the house by Ye Fei.

Seeing Ye Fei's ferocious demeanor, Wang Daniu no longer dared to think about getting revenge and instead was filled with regret for following Li Feng to Ye Fei's house.

After Ye Fei landed another punch, knocking Wang Daniu to the ground, he immediately charged at Li Feng, who had just risen from the floor.

"Big Bull, why aren't you fighting back? You should…"


Before Li Feng could finish, he got another solid slap from Ye Fei.

Enraged, he shouted, "Ye Fei, you motherfucker! You won't repay the money and you dare to hit people? Do you believe I'll get the police to lock you up?"

With Wang Daniu no longer controlling her, Zhang Shufen rolled off the table and wrapped her arms around Ye Fei's waist.

"Little Fei, stop fighting."

Ye Fei hardly felt the softness pressing against him, as he was intent on tearing Zhang Shufen away to give Li Feng a lesson and ensure he'd never dare to cause trouble at his house again.

But as soon as Zhang Shufen was pulled back, she immediately clung to him even more tightly than before.

"Little Fei, if you go to jail because of your sister-in-law, how could I ever face living?"

Her scalding tears soaked the fabric of Ye Fei's clothes, extinguishing the fire in his heart as well.

Looking down at the pitiable look on his sister-in-law Zhang Shufen, Ye Fei's heart ached.

"Sister-in-law, I'll listen to you."

Li Feng, who had retreated to a corner, instantly became aggressive upon hearing this.

"Ye Fei, you poor motherfucker, still daring to be arrogant with me. If you can't pay back that twenty thousand, you better let your sister-in-law take good care of us both."

Li Feng hesitated for a moment, his greedy gaze fixed back on Zhang Shufen.

"Zhang Shufen, originally I was going to deduct five hundred yuan after sleeping with you once. Now that your younger uncle has hit me, forget about getting that money. If you don't take good care of both of us brothers, don't blame me for calling the police!"

Faced with such a threat, tears streamed down Zhang Shufen's face uncontrollably.

In order to keep Ye Fei out of jail, she could only compromise with Li Feng.

"Please don't call the police, I'll agree to anything you say."

Afterward, Zhang Shufen raised her head and instructed Ye Fei in a low, ashamed voice.

"Ye Fei, go outside first."

"No way!"

Before Ye Fei could speak up, Li Feng shouted viciously.

"I'm going to screw you right in front of Ye Fei, to give this poor fucker a live lesson!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Feng immediately started to undo his belt.

The rage that had been suppressed flared up instantly at that moment.

"Li Feng, you still want to use the police to scare me? See if you dare to report it and try, I want to see whether my crime of hitting someone is worse than your intent to force yourself on my sister-in-law."

Wang Daniu, standing nearby, suddenly realized the gravity of the situation and hastily reminded him.

"Li Feng, don't you fucking call the police. When they come, we'll definitely be the criminals. Not only will this kid not have to go to jail, but the police might even give him a commendation banner for his bravery!"

At this, Li Feng shivered.

His eyes shifted and he quickly grasped the situation.

His arrogance immediately deflated, and after a moment of hesitation, he shouted, "If you can't come up with twenty thousand today, I'm certain to have my way with your sister-in-law!"

Zhang Shufen knew she could not escape her fate and turned to plead, "Li Feng, I agree to your demands, but please, just don't make Ye Fei watch, okay?"

Ye Fei really wanted to rush over and give Li Feng another good beating upon hearing his sister-in-law's plea.

But seeing Zhang Shufen's inner turmoil, he forcibly suppressed his anger.

Immediately afterward, he grabbed Zhang Shufen's hand and started walking outside.

"Ye Fei, you might run, but you can't escape. If you take your sister-in-law and run away, I'll drag your brother into the street for a public shaming!"

Zhang Shufen, forcibly pulled into the yard by Ye Fei, struggled to break free.

"Ye Fei, I owe them money and I'm in the wrong. Leave this alone, I as your sister-in-law..."

Before Zhang Shufen could finish her sentence, Ye Fei had pulled her in front of the newly bought electric tricycle.

Zhang Shufen hadn't yet realized there was a tricycle in her yard when Ye Fei quickly pulled out a plastic bag from the medicine basket.

In the bag was a bright red stack of neatly arranged hundred-yuan bills.


Ye Fei casually threw the bag at the doorstep and shouted, "Leave the IOU and take the money to get lost!"

Li Feng, who stepped outside, was stunned at the sight of the twenty thousand yuan Ye Fei threw at his feet.

"Where did you get this money?"

A few seconds later, Zhang Shufen and Li Feng both exclaimed in surprise, almost simultaneously.

"The IOU!"

Ye Fei couldn't care less, staring at Li Feng, who was already counting the money, and demanded angrily.

Li Feng frowned, realizing that it was indeed twenty thousand yuan.

His face soured, and after hesitating for a while, he finally pulled out an IOU.

Ye Fei snatched it away and held it up to Zhang Shufen, asking, "Sister-in-law, is this the same IOU you wrote back then?"

Zhang Shufen, still dazed, couldn't fathom where Ye Fei had gotten the twenty thousand from.

But recognizing the familiar handwriting on the IOU, she numbly nodded.

"Get out!"

At that furious shout, Li Feng didn't dare linger any longer and ran off with the money.

Wang Daniu, who had followed the commotion, clutching his bruised eye, also hurried off.

Once they had left, Ye Fei embraced Zhang Shufen tightly, full of guilt, "Sister-in-law, marrying into our family has brought you suffering. Rest assured, from now on I won't let anyone bully you again."

Zhang Shufen's long-suppressed grievances burst forth in that instant, and she cried out loud.

Her delicate body trembled uncontrollably, and Ye Fei immediately felt the undulating softness pressing against his chest, causing him to become scorching hot below.

Feeling Ye Fei's unusual reaction, Zhang Shufen stopped crying immediately.

She looked up and said in a low, shy voice, "Ye Fei, come into the room with your sister-in-law, I'll give it to you."