Chapter 13: The Little Grove

Xie Chunmei's initiative had Ye Fei's throat practically smoking.

That primal desire kept trying to break free from its cage.

Ye Fei's eyes were already bloodshot, and he truly wanted to throw himself at her and vent his frustration.

But in the end, he managed to control that primal desire.

Ye Fei took one last reluctant glance in that direction before turning his head away.

"Sister Chun Mei, what are you doing? Hurry up and get dressed."

Xie Chunmei, full of anticipation, suddenly heard this and burst into tears in less than a second.

"Fei, do you despise Sister, think that she is a shameless woman?"

A woman's tears are the deadliest weapon.

Ye Fei panicked and hurriedly explained, "Sister, I didn't think that at all, and I didn't save you for you to repay me this way."

Xie Chunmei's crying still hadn't stopped.

"A life-saving grace is a huge kindness; if I didn't feel grateful, I would always feel guilty. Fei, you don't have to be embarrassed or worry. Even if you sleep with Sister, she won't cling to you."

Seeing Xie Chunmei with tears streaming down her face, Ye Fei felt a jumble of emotions in his heart.

How could he not be moved by such a tempting beauty lying in front of him?

But Xie Chunmei was after all a widow, and he couldn't take advantage of her like this.

If the villagers found out, how could she face anyone in the future?

But at this critical moment, Ye Fei couldn't find an appropriate excuse.

After some thought, he resorted to the same excuse he had used earlier with Zhang Shufen.

"Sister Chun Mei, I really have an urgent matter that requires me to go into the mountains today, can we talk about other things later?"

Seeing Xie Chunmei's lack of response, Ye Fei felt he had to add one more thing.

"After all, we have to wait for the wound on your leg to heal, right?"

As soon as he finished saying this, Xie Chunmei's crying finally stopped.

Then she slowly sat up and retracted her extended leg.

Ye Fei felt Xie Chunmei's delicate toes lightly hook his own.

Instantly, a tingling sensation spread throughout his body, making him shiver uncontrollably.

Damn, Sister Chun Mei is too much; just with that single touch, she almost made me surrender.

While Ye Fei was beside himself, Xie Chunmei gave a soft sigh.

"Fei, Sister is really useless. I wanted to find a job in the city, but nobody would take me; otherwise, I wouldn't have wanted to treat you to a meal but couldn't even scrape together a couple hundred yuan."

Hearing Xie Chunmei's words, Ye Fei immediately thought of Sister Zhang Shufen's face.

She was also a woman of hard fate, living even more frugally than Xie Chunmei.

It wasn't just the two of them; many people in the village were in the same situation.

Especially families with children, they lived hand to mouth and had to borrow money from relatives and friends.

They endured so much disdain and couldn't lift their heads when they walked around, always feeling inferior.

Ye Fei was filled with emotion; his family had also struggled like this to put him through college.

Now that he had returned with an education, if he didn't do something substantive for the villagers, it would be a disservice to their past support for him.

Immediately, Ye Fei took a deep breath and said firmly to Xie Chunmei, "Sister Chun Mei, rest assured, I plan to set up a clinic in the village. Once I get it established, I'll help our villagers get rich. I promise to make sure you have a good life."

Upon hearing this, Xie Chunmei was overjoyed.

She clutched Ye Fei's hand tightly and asked in disbelief, "Fei, are you serious?"

Ye Fei nodded solemnly, "Of course I'm serious, why would I lie to you, Sister?"

As Ye Fei was saying this, the smile on his face suddenly vanished.

"To set up the clinic, I need to get a certificate from the village chief to receive some support funds. But just today, I beat up his son, Li Feng, and I'm sure that old bastard Li Yougui will make things difficult for me."

Ye Fei had just thought of that problem when he furrowed his brows and stopped pondering.

Xie Chunmei was startled by his words and exclaimed, "Ah, what should we do?"

Seeing her worry, Ye Fei smiled and shook his head, "Chun Mei sister-in-law, don't worry about it, I can handle it."

I had the village chief, Li Yougui, and his daughter-in-law in my grip. If he dared to trip me up, I'd just tear my face off with him.

Without waiting for Xie Chunmei to say anything else, Ye Fei stood up and said goodbye to her.

"Chun Mei sister-in-law, take good care of yourself, I'm off to gather herbs in the mountains," he said.

Xie Chunmei watched Ye Fei leave, her heart pounding for a long time before it could settle down.

Ye Fei is indeed educated, a college student, so different from the other men.

All those men in the village, every time they see me, have that lustful look.

Not like Ye Fei. In my condition, he hasn't taken advantage of me.

What woman wouldn't like a man like that?

As long as Ye Fei wants me, I'm willing to be at his service for a lifetime.

Leaving Xie Chunmei's house, Ye Fei hurried straight to the woods.

Walking along, he suddenly became puzzled.

Chun Mei sister-in-law clearly had no money, so how come her underwear was so fancy, and obviously new?

Her husband's been dead five years—could she be wanting me to satisfy her, pretending to have no money so that I would take her body?

With this doubt in mind, Ye Fei entered the mountain.

It wasn't until evening that he came down the mountain, a full load of medicinal herbs on his back.

Just as he entered the village, he saw a familiar figure limping towards the small grove at the head of the village.

"Hey, isn't that Chun Mei sister-in-law? I told her to rest at home, why has she come out again?"

Couldn't ease his mind, Ye Fei immediately followed her.

As he entered the small grove, he heard a sleazy laugh from inside.

"Hehe, Chun Mei, you finally came. I missed you to death."

Li Yougui!

When had Chun Mei sister-in-law gotten involved with him?

I knew it. She claimed to have no money, but her new underwear was fancier than the last.

So that's how she got her money!

Just as he was getting angry, the voice of Xie Chunmei's angry rebuke came from ahead.

"Li Yougui, stop it with the handsy stuff. I told you beforehand, I'll let you sleep with me, but you must promise to green-light Ye Fei's clinic."

Hearing this, Ye Fei was immediately filled with shame.

Ah, I'm such a scumbag.

Chun Mei sister-in-law wasn't having an affair with Li Yougui; she was meeting him here privately to help me with my clinic. And I thought of her as that kind of woman.


Ye Fei wished he could slap himself right then.

After a brief silence, Li Yougui suddenly sneered, revealing his true nature.

"Chun Mei, you're still thinking of that brat Ye Fei at this point? He beat up my son, and you want me to greenlight his venture? In your dreams!"

Xie Chunmei clearly didn't expect Li Yougui to say that and immediately burst out angrily, "Li Yougui, you really are a piece of work, not keeping your word! If you don't help Ye Fei, don't think you can take any advantage of me."

With that angry statement, Xie Chunmei turned to leave.

But Li Yougui grabbed her.

"Xie Chunmei, you've come to the grove with me, and now you think you can just walk away? You're not leaving here today until you satisfy me completely!"