Chapter 19 Removed

"Xiao Fei, while you're treating Qiu Yue here, your sister-in-law still has some things to do."

Just as Ye Fei was pondering how to get Xie Chunmei to leave, he didn't expect that Xie Chunmei would actually take the initiative to walk away.

Ye Fei was delighted. As soon as Xie Chunmei left, he turned to Xie QiuYue with a serious expression on his face.

"Qiu Yue, Chun Mei was here just now, and I didn't want to worry her by speaking directly, but your condition isn't just simple menstrual pain."

Xie QiuYue, who wasn't in much pain anymore, became instantly anxious upon hearing this.

"Ah, then what's the matter?"

"To determine the specific condition, feeling the pulse alone isn't enough. We need to carry out a more in-depth examination."

Seeing Ye Fei's solemn expression, Xie QiuYue urgently asked.

"What kind of examination is needed?"

At that moment, Ye Fei hesitated for a bit before slowly extending a finger.