Chapter 33: Clear Distinction Between Black and White

Xie QiuYue's small hands paused upon Ye Fei's belt.

She glanced nervously at Ye Fei and, seeing that he was sleeping with his eyes closed, she finally relaxed.

Then, holding her breath, she stared unblinkingly ahead.


The buckle on the belt sprung open, and Xie QiuYue sharply inhaled in nervousness.

At the same time, she stole a guilty look at Ye Fei.

Once she confirmed again that Ye Fei was asleep, she continued with her next move.

This time, she was much bolder.

She didn't check to see if Ye Fei was asleep, but instead hastened to discover the truth.


With the last barrier gone,

just like those scenes of triggering mechanisms in TV dramas.

Xie QiuYue was taken aback.

Even though she was already twenty-seven, men were still very novel to Xie QiuYue.

A question suddenly flashed through her mind.

This question immediately kindled her curiosity.

Xie QiuYue's eyes darted around as she got up and rummaged through the drawer.