Chapter 42: Let's see how you sell it

A burly man suddenly barged in, causing everyone to be startled.

Ye Fei, worried about danger, quickly pulled Xie Qiu Yue up and pushed her towards the private room before rushing back to stand in front of Bai Weiwei.

Bai Weiwei, looking at Ye Fei's solid back, was deeply moved.

Her frightened little heart immediately calmed down.

"Who are you, and what do you want?"

Tao Maoyang, seeing the ill intent of the newcomer, quickly signaled a waitress with his eyes and angrily questioned the other party.

"Master Ma, I've finally found you!"

Unexpectedly, the burly man headed straight for Ma Xuming.

Arriving in front of him, he knelt down with a thump.

"Master Ma, you can't do this to me! I've invested everything in this batch of goods, and now you say you don't want it. What is my family supposed to do?"

The sturdy man who had just caused Ye Fei's alarm and concern suddenly began to weep and plead, kneeling in front of Ma Xuming.

This scene shocked everyone.