Chapter 69: No Longer Covering the Wasteland

Shit, before it was just contracting wasteland, I could give in to you.

But now that you're eyeing the position of the village chief, forget about contracting the wasteland.

If you really manage to do a few good deeds, how can I continue being the village chief?

After Li Yougui said this, he immediately pushed Ye Fei, trying to get him off the stage.

Seeing that Li Yougui intentionally wouldn't let him finish speaking and was pushing him away, Ye Fei got angry.

He couldn't let Li Yougui have his way, so he shook off his arm and sent Li Yougui stumbling.

"I said I don't have that much money right now, not that I don't have any money. I can pay half first, which is fifty thousand yuan. The remaining forty thousand will be made up in a few days."

Li Yougui, who nearly threw out his back, immediately started jeering at Ye Fei, "You say you'll make it up in a few days, but what if you don't?"