Chapter 82 Desperately Anxious

Xie Chunmei instantly panicked.

Before she could open her mouth to persuade him further, Ye Fei swiftly pulled down his trousers.

In a moment, Xie Chunmei was stunned.

How did Little Fei's mother give birth to something so outrageous?

If he really did it to me, wouldn't it be the end of me?

Witnessing the very tool Ye Fei was about to use to ravage her, Xie Chunmei was terrified.

As worry and fear took hold, the blood in her body began to surge.

I always hear the village women say that average men are not as good as cucumbers.

I always thought only foreign men could outdo cucumbers.

But Little Fei, he...

Xie Chunmei's cheeks were burning hot, as she blankly stared at Ye Fei.

It was throbbing unstoppably, as if it were flaunting its power at her.

Ye Fei pulled down his trousers, not even bothering to take them off completely.

He then pressed on her impatiently.

Only at this moment did Xie Chunmei snap back to reality.