Chapter 88 Massage


Tang Doudou was slightly startled, looking at Ye Fei with a bit of surprise.

"To help you relax your muscles, loosen up your body and ensure you have a good night's sleep," Ye Fei explained with a smile, then quickly added, "Oh right, and to apply some medicine to you again."

As soon as she heard about the medicine, Tang Doudou's face immediately turned red.

After a moment's hesitation, she still nodded gently.

Thereupon, the two headed to Tang Doudou's room together.

Ye Fei, familiar with the routine, brought over two basins of water, one for washing his hands and one for Tang Doudou to wash her bottom later.

This considerate act made Tang Doudou's face flush and her heart beat faster.

"Alright, take off your clothes," Ye Fei said as he picked up the ointment, seeing that Tang Doudou was still sitting there stunned and urged her with a smile.

Tang Doudou nodded and then took off her skirt and panties and placed them at the head of the bed.