Chapter 144: Knocking Over the Vinegar Jar

Ye Fei was also pondering this matter in his heart.

Today, seeing how bluntly Yang Hongyu spoke, if he didn't seize the opportunity, who knew if there would ever be another chance.

As soon as he heard Yang Hongyu say this, Ye Fei glanced around.

Finding no one around, he quickly rode the tricycle into the grass by the roadside.

He sped along until he hid the tricycle behind the cornfield, then he leapt off the vehicle.

"Yang Auntie, it seems you've been pent-up for years. Since you're begging me like this, I'll have to take good care of you today."

With a mischievous smile, Ye Fei pulled Yang Hongyu down from the tricycle.

The two ducked into the cornfield, and Ye Fei immediately began to undo his belt.

Yang Hongyu understood what Ye Fei was about to do and hurriedly knelt before him.

Ye Fei showed her no mercy, pressing down hard on her head as he began to vent.

It had been so many years since Yang Hongyu had been with a man; she truly was desperate.