Chapter 153: Pouring Enchanting Soup

Ye Fei withdrew his gaze from Cao Yan, casually tossed his suitcase toward the door, and turned to walk outside.

Seeing this, Yang Hongyu dropped her daughter and hurriedly followed him.

"Xiao Fei, don't be angry with Yan Yan. Check if the wasteland still needs people, and make arrangements for Yan Yan to go there too," she said.

Ye Fei looked up and glanced into the room upon hearing this.

Then he smiled, shook his head, and refused, "Auntie Yang, it's sufficient for you to go by yourself."

At these words, Yang Hongyu immediately began to frown and pleaded.

"Xiao Fei, I've given myself to you, can't you help with this small favor?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Fei quickly explained.

"Auntie Yang, I'm doing this for our own good. If Yan Yan also went there, she'd be with you all day, and when would I get the chance to 'water the fields'?"

Yang Hongyu was startled by his words, then she realized what he meant.