Chapter 193 Two Ways of Cooperation

"Why should Ye Fei go with you?"

Bai Weiwei said irritably to Sun Yuan, and then decisively took Ye Fei's arm.

At the sight of this, Sun Yuan's face also turned unsightly.

"My grandma used Ye Fei's prescription, and she has already woken up. My dad asked me to invite Ye Fei over, first to thank him, and second to give my grandma another check-up."

Understanding Sun Yuan's intention, Bai Weiwei still did not let down her guard.

She remembered how Sun Yuan had been so persistent about getting Ye Fei's contact information that day at Sun Yuan's house.

"Ye Fei doesn't have time right now. You better come back another day."

After dropping these words, Bai Weiwei took Ye Fei's arm with one hand and grabbed Tang Doudou with the other, heading into Huixin Hall.

Seeing this, Sun Yuan hurriedly followed.

"Bai Weiwei, what's wrong with you? I can wait, but can my grandma wait? What if something happens to her, will you take responsibility?"