Chapter 201Conflict

The sun set behind the mountains, and the twilight painted the sky red.

Sun Yuan drove Ye Fei to the riverside in the outskirts of the city.

On the bank, there was a barbecue restaurant filled with all sorts of people.

The flashy sports car parked, immediately drawing the attention of many onlookers.

Sun Yuan got out of the car, shaking her luscious hair and captivating the eyes of many young men.

But as soon as Ye Fei stepped out from the passenger seat, those young men, previously infatuated with Sun Yuan, instantly shot him envious glares.

"Really, a flower stuck in cow dung."

"In this day and age, no good cabbage can escape the fate of being hogged by pigs."

"I really can't understand, such a gorgeous woman, and clearly a rich and pretty girl, how she could fall for this guy."

Amidst the murmuring, Sun Yuan's eyes swept across the open-air tables and chairs.

Soon, her gaze settled on one of the tables.