Chapter 249 The Police Have Arrived

Clutching Xie Qiu Yue's delicate body in his arms, Ye Fei truly wished he could carry her to bed right then and there.

After all, he had been waiting for Qiu Yue to give herself to him for more than a day or two.

Given her initiative this time, Ye Fei certainly did not want to miss out.

Moreover, he had already figured out Yang Wei's intention.

All he needed to do was dispose of those few poppy plants before tomorrow morning, and all would be well.


Just as Ye Fei was walking into the house with Xie Qiu Yue in his arms.

The light in Xie Chun Mei's room also came on.

"Qiu Yue, what's the matter?"

Hearing her sister's voice, Xie Qiu Yue hurried into Xie Chun Mei's room with Ye Fei in tow.

Xie Chun Mei opened the door and was stunned to see Ye Fei beside her sister.

"Little Fei, why have you come in the middle of the night?"

Xie Chun Mei's face was already flushed red, and her eyes darted about, unable to meet Ye Fei's gaze directly.