Chapter 1 Don't lock the door at night, wait for me

"Xiaozheng, it's just here..."

Liu Zheng stood by the side of the bed, facing a woman with her bottom in the air, lying prone.

Her buttocks were raised high, her waist sagged slightly downward, outlining a perfect curve.

The woman was his sworn older sister, Xu Lanxiu, who had hurt her bottom days ago while working in the fields. She had let her own man massage it, but to no avail, so she turned to Liu Zheng for help. As the village's barefoot doctor, people would usually pay him to treat ailments they couldn't cure themselves.

Liu Zheng kneaded her plump buttocks, helping her to promote blood circulation and disperse bruises.

Feeling the softness under his hands and smelling the faint fragrance emanating from Xu Lanxiu, Liu Zheng couldn't help but have his thoughts run wild.

He shook his head, casting out improper thoughts.

This was his sworn sister, after all.

He must not cross that line!


Xu Lanxiu let out a light moan, her body trembling slightly. Her full, rounded flesh pressed against the bed, squeezing out a protrusion on the side.

Her almond eyes were filled with flirtatiousness; her eyes, seductive as silk, complimented her beautiful, fair, melon-seed-shaped face, making her stunningly alluring.

She lay with her face to one side, exhaling hot breaths.

Before she got married, she had been the beauty of the village. After becoming a wife, her allure seemed to have increased, leaving people unable to restrain themselves.

"Sister, are you feeling better now?"

Liu Zheng's pants were tight; he surreptitiously adjusted them several times.

"Go down a bit more."

"Just a little longer..."

Xu Lanxiu was actually enjoying it, lying on the bed and showing no desire to get up.

Liu Zheng's hands were truly skilled, far surpassing her own man by who knows how much. Compared to him, her husband was just a clumsy block of wood.

Liu Zheng wiped away his sweat and could only continue to massage with a stiff upper lip.

"Xiaozheng, is your sister here with you?"

A voice came from outside the dilapidated clinic.

Liu Zheng was so startled that his fingers jolted away from Xu Lanxiu's buttocks as if they were electrified. The owner of the voice was none other than Xu Lanxiu's husband.

"Brother-in-law, ah? Sister is here with me."

"Isn't she injured? I'm treating her now," Liu Zheng replied uneasily.

They were in a partitioned room. Though the door was open, a curtain was pulled across it.

The man outside, upon seeing this, also sighed in relief.

Lately, the village women had spread many rumors, saying his wife had slept with Wang Han from the town while he wasn't at home.

Even though he didn't dare confront his wife about it, he had this nagging feeling.

"Li Mingliang, you useless wretch."

"Chasing after me so desperately, you wouldn't be thinking like the rest, suspecting that I'm out fooling around with other men, would you?" Xu Lanxiu shouted with a loud voice.

Her voice was full of dissatisfaction.

"Wife, I didn't mean that..."

"I just returned from the field and saw that you weren't home, so I thought of looking for you..."

The man's voice was filled with panic and guilt.

His inarticulate words were full of holes.

"I think you just don't trust me!"

"Someone casually tells you I rolled in the hay with Wang Han, and you take it seriously?"

Xu Lanxiu turned over, her voice carrying a hint of anger.

Yet, as she spoke, she reached into Liu Zheng's pants, her eyes lighting up.

Her palm was very soft, still bearing the calluses of a peasant. However, having not done much heavy work in recent years, the calluses had softened quite a bit.

She embraced Liu Zheng with one arm, her soft body rubbing against him, nearly causing his scalp to explode.

Her husband was still outside.

Yet his sworn sister dared to be so bold.

After graduating from college, Liu Zheng had returned to the village to take care of his injured older brother and had kept the small clinic running.

He was a poor student, couldn't find a girlfriend at university, and hadn't even held a woman's hand before.

He never imagined his first encounter with a woman would be under such circumstances.

"Wife, I of course know you're innocent."

"I… I did this… to let those gossipy women see you're not that kind of person…"

The man's voice from outside sounded very tense.

He was also afraid that his explanation wouldn't be heard by his wife.

Before marrying into the Xu family, he had been unable to find a wife because of his family's poverty. Now that he finally had a good-looking wife, he naturally had to keep a close eye on her.

"Wife, since you're here getting treated by Xiao Zheng, I'll go back first…"

The man felt he couldn't stay any longer.

"Go? Why should you go?"

"Aren't you worried that something might happen between me and Xiao Zheng?"

Xu Lanxiu said this and then pushed Liu Zheng down onto the bed, beginning to wrestle for his pants.

Liu Zheng was so anxious that sweat broke out, holding onto his pants for dear life, but Xu Lanxiu licked his belly and made Liu Zheng completely surrender.

Liu Zheng was very anxious inside, truly afraid his brother-in-law would burst in at that moment, not knowing how he would explain it.

"Wife, I know what your relationship with Xiao Zheng is."

"You get your treatment here, I'll go back and cook, and later I'll call Xiao Zheng to come over and have a meal."

The man's voice came in.

"Get lost."

Xu Lanxiu said impatiently.

But then she unbuttoned her blouse, revealing the bold clothes underneath that only women from the city would wear.

Liu Zheng felt his head was about to explode.

His saliva was unconsciously swallowed.

His right hand couldn't help but want to reach out.

But just at the crucial moment, he abruptly controlled his thoughts.

This was his sister-in-law!

How could he do such a thing?

"Sister, are you crazy?"

Liu Zheng, lowering his voice, called out urgently.

"Xiao Zheng, you've grown up after spending these years studying in the city."

"Sister saw you were about to lose control just now, so why don't I help you out? My husband is so lame, Sister likes young ones like you."

Xu Lanxiu pressed her whole body against Liu Zheng's chest, becoming even more excited.

Liu Zheng wanted to push her away immediately, but he feared making too much noise and calling his brother-in-law back.

In his struggle, Liu Zheng's right hand touched an unguarded softness, which quieted his mind in an instant.

"Xiao Zheng, today your sister will treat you as a man."

"What do you say, is that good?"

Xu Lanxiu whispered in his ear, her hot breath tingling against his earlobe.

Liu Zheng's mind went blank; there was nothing left in it.

Only the sounds of rustling arose.

But just then, footsteps were heard again.

"Wife, are you done?"

"The sheep haven't come back for several days, the old man is going up the mountain to look."

The man's voice appeared again.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming!"

Xu Lanxiu, clearly annoyed, buttoned up her clothes and got off Liu Zheng.

As Liu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt a pang of reluctance and quickly tried to put on his own clothes to escort Xu Lanxiu out.

But Xu Lanxiu gently pressed him down, telling him to stay on the bed.

"Xiao Zheng, don't lock the door tonight, wait for me~."