Chapter 3 Tonight you and your sister-in-law...

Wu Min had spent enough time in the clinic to know the process of treating snake venom; if the residual venom wasn't expelled from her body, she would still be poisoned. However, she had forgotten that the wound was located in a particularly sensitive area, and squeezing out the venomous blood from such a spot was far from easy...

Yet the idea of stripping down her last defense in front of her brother-in-Law was truly unacceptable to her.

But if she didn't remove it, what should she do?


Liu Zheng didn't know what to do either.

He had dealt with numerous cases of snakebite in the village, but this was the first time he had encountered a bite in such a place.

For a moment, it didn't seem right to ask her to undress.

Nor did it seem right not to.

"Little, Little Zheng... why don't you close your eyes?"

Wu Min's voice was even weaker than before, as faint as a mosquito's.


Liu Zheng nodded in agreement.

Fearing that he might inadvertently open his eyes during the process, he took off his shirt and used it to blindfold himself.

Although Wu Min still felt too embarrassed to speak, seeing her younger brother-in-law go to such lengths, she steeled her heart and stripped down her last barrier.

At this moment, she was completely exposed before Liu Zheng.

Her face was utterly flushed with shame, and her heart pounded wildly in her chest.

Especially since she recalled her husband's words in such a situation.

They had been married for several years without any sign of pregnancy. With her husband now completely incapable in that aspect, he felt that she was suffering by staying with him. So, he thought of a shameful solution, also a way to continue the Liu Family line.

However, this solution had something to do with Liu Zheng...

"Sister-in-law, are you ready?"

Liu Zheng took several deep breaths, trying to suppress the uneasy restlessness in his heart, and asked.


"I'm ready..."

Wu Min whispered.

Liu Zheng swallowed hard and then reached for Wu Min's slender waist, starting to push down along her smooth, soft skin.

Liu Zheng's hands worked simultaneously, passing over the pelvic bone and eventually reaching the wound near the root of her thigh.

And with each downward motion, he made intimate contact with a certain place.

As a result, not only Liu Zheng, but Wu Min as well, both blushed intensely.

Between the continuous friction, Liu Zheng's hands were already slick with sweat.

Wu Min's thighs rubbed uncontrollably against each other, her hand covering her mouth, doing her best not to make any sound.

Yet as it continued, the sweat on the back of Liu Zheng's hand grew more abundant.

With her own man unable to perform for so many years, Wu Min had been diligently restraining herself.

But she was also a normal woman.

She too had those desires.

As Liu Zheng's hands rubbed against her, she felt embarrassment and awkwardness, but also a different kind of palpitation.

The two remained silent, with only the sound of insects and birds in the deep mountains.


Liu Zheng's hands accidentally turned on the switch.

In that instant, both of them froze, their minds going blank.

Wu Min's body, already trembling slightly, shook even more violently.

"Sister-in-law, is the blood from the wound red..."

"If it's red, we can go down the mountain."

Liu Zheng quickly changed the subject.

His hands retracted as if they had been shocked by electricity.


"It's red."

Wu Min was so embarrassed she could have dug out a three-bedroom apartment.

Liu Zheng quickly turned away, not daring to stand up: "Then you better get dressed quickly, I'll carry you down the mountain..."

"Mmhmm..." Wu Min responded, hastily grabbing a cover-up and putting it on.

Accompanied by the rustling sound, Liu Zheng desperately tried to suppress the restlessness within his trousers, but Wu Min had finished dressing, and he still hadn't calmed down.

Liu Zheng covertly adjusted himself, and as he stood up, he used his clothes to cover up, trying not to let Wu Min see the problem.

However, Wu Min wasn't an ignorant girl and naturally noticed Liu Zheng's embarrassment.

She lay on Liu Zheng's back.

The two of them tacitly chose not to mention the incident.

When they returned to the clinic, his elder brother saw that Liu Zheng had carried his wife back and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Brother, sister-in-law just got bitten by a snake. Although I tried to suck out all the venom, I can't guarantee that some isn't still in her body."

"You talk with sister-in-law, I'll go downstairs to brew some medicine for her."

Liu Zheng turned to leave.

The incident that just happened made him feel so guilty towards his big brother.

Their parents had passed away early, and during the fourth year after their grandfather's death, they left this world one after the other. It was his brother who worked in the city and single-handedly raised him.

His brother also helped him attend university.

But how could he harbor such thoughts towards his sister-in-law...


After brewing the medicine, Liu Zheng carried the black medicinal soup upstairs.

Just as Liu Zheng was about to leave, his brother stopped him.

"Xiao Zheng, wait a moment."

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Liu Zheng asked, feeling guilty.

He was already prepared for his brother's blame.

It was his fault, but there was nothing he could do in that situation.

"Xiao Zheng, I have a favor to ask of you."

Liu Daniu, having heard about the incident, not only wasn't angry but felt that he could take this opportunity to bring up an issue they had been skirting around.

The fact that his wife had not become pregnant had been the subject of ugly gossip in the village.

To put it kindly, they said that Liu Daniu had become useless, unable to father any children.

To put it crudely, they claimed the Liu family had bad feng shui. After the old master passed away, even their parents were taken from them, and now this had happened.

They said the Liu family was doomed to have no descendants.

Liu Daniu didn't want the ancestors to lose face, and he dearly wanted to have his wife give birth to a child as soon as possible.

But with their family's financial condition, it wasn't possible for his little brother to marry a wife soon.

All of their family's money had been drained by his illnesses, and they had borrowed a lot from outside as well.

Even though his little brother was a university graduate, which girl would be willing to marry into hardship? Furthermore, they couldn't even afford the bride price.

Rather than all this, it might be better to let his little brother make an effort.

It would save his wife from living like a widow while he was still alive.

"Brother, just tell me what it is."

Liu Zheng dared not look his brother in the eye.

"Xiao Zheng, you know my situation. I want you to have a child with your sister-in-law."

"Would that be okay?"

Liu Daniu stated calmly.

Yet his words dropped like a bombshell in Liu Zheng's mind.

Liu Zheng had not expected his brother not only not to blame him but even to suggest that he sleep with his sister-in-law?

"Brother, that's not right!"

"We are brothers!"

Liu Zheng hastily said.

"Xiao Zheng, I'm begging you."

"Your sister-in-law hasn't had a single day of happiness with me over the years, only hardship."

"I can see that she really wants a child, it's just that I don't have that ability..."

As Liu Daniu said these words, he was in extreme pain.

Any man would find it hard to accept being in such a wretched condition.

"Xiao Zheng, share the bed with your sister-in-law tonight."