Chapter 7 What Did You See?

Dumbfounded, Liu Zheng stood there, truly feeling a bit foolished at this moment.

He really hadn't expected his sister-in-law to act this way.

He swallowed hard.

In Liu Zheng's heart, there was anticipation, and looking at his sister-in-law kneeling before him, her fair skin, delicate hands, and silky black hair draped over her fragrant shoulders, combined with her snow-white complexion under the light of the lamp, she was simply too beautiful for words.

Now, he only had one thought, and that was to take his sister-in-law into his arms and crush her into his body.

A flame was burning in his chest.

Somewhere began to react, and his body started to heat up as well.

Especially since he now felt the urge to take his sister-in-law to bed and cherish her properly.

His hand had even reached out, stroking Wu Min's hair.

Beautiful, it was truly too beautiful, Liu Zheng felt he could no longer control himself.


Just at that moment, the courtyard gate was pushed open, and someone entered the courtyard, standing inside the Liu Family's yard and started to shout loudly.

"Liu Zheng, Liu Zheng... you dead thing, come out for me."

The voice was high, especially in the stillness of the night, it sounded exceptionally clear.

The two people who heard the shouting seemed to have been electrocuted.

Both their bodies moved quickly backward, separating by a good four or five meters.

Then they each straightened out their clothes.

Liu Zheng, whose mind had returned to clarity, swallowed hard and, after fully realizing what had almost happened, almost slapped himself twice.

What the hell had he been doing?

That was his sister-in-law, his brother Qin's wife.

If something had really happened just now, wouldn't that have been incest?

Beast, he was simply a beast, even worse than a beast.

At this thought, guilt overwhelmed Liu Zheng.

He turned his head and saw a figure outside the window, then glanced again at his sister-in-law who was shyly looking down opposite him, and couldn't help but feel somewhat at a loss.

However, he quickly came to his senses and ran out of the room as if escaping.

Once outside, the not-so-cool night breeze blew over him, relieving some of the heat from Liu Zheng's body.

"Liu Zheng, come here, boy, I have something to ask you."

The woman standing in the courtyard was tall with two imposing mounds at her chest and a slender waist.

Especially her legs, they seemed very fine, very white, and very straight.

Most conspicuous was her perky behind.

Old folks say that such buttocks are good for bearing children.

The woman stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at Liu Zheng who had just come out from the house, her face puffed up with anger.

"Oh! Who do we have here, isn't this our Cui Hua sister?"

The visitor was named Zhao Cuihua, the daughter-in-law of the village chief.

She was very pretty; she had been the famous beauty for miles around.

Otherwise, how could she have married the son of the village chief?

Her sudden visit couldn't help but surprise Liu Zheng.

"Isn't it me?"

Zhao Cuihua, with her hands on her hips, glanced over at Liu Zheng's house before noticing the curtains of the room drawn shut.

"What were you doing in the house, boy? Why did it take you so long to come out?"

"What could I be doing? Sleeping, of course."

"Sleeping? Then how come you didn't turn off the lights?"

"Cough, cough!" Liu Zheng cleared his throat with a cough but quickly realized that this woman had come barreling in with a barrage of questions, even asking about whether he had slept or not, which definitely meant something was up.

"Whether I slept or not is none of your business, is it, Sister Cui Hua?"

Steadying his emotions, Liu Zheng shot back immediately, saying, "You're not sleeping with me, so why do you care so much?"


"Alright, just tell me, what do you want?"

Liu Zheng had no interest in small talk with Zhao Cuihua and got straight to the point.

When she heard him ask that, Zhao Cuihua blinked her big eyes.

She had come this time because she genuinely had something important to discuss.

"Well... Little Zheng, I wanted to ask if you went to the village committee this morning, when it was just barely light out?"

"Ah? Went to the village committee?"

Liu Zheng shook his head like a rattle-drum, waving his hands as he said, "No, how could that be possible? I was sound asleep at the time."

"Don't lie to me, I saw you there," said Zhao Cuihua, batting her eyelashes as she intended to directly expose Liu Zheng's lie.

Upon hearing her say that, Liu Zheng's head went "boom" with a sudden jolt.

This happened because Liu Zheng had indeed gotten up very early that morning.

He had gone to the threshing floor next to the village committee.

Tools from his home had been left there the previous night.

When he got up in the morning to go work in the fields, his sister-in-law mentioned that the tools were missing. Liu Zheng had just gotten up to use the bathroom and, hearing that the tools were left at the threshing floor, said he would go retrieve them for her.

The sun hadn't risen yet; it was still a pale shade of dawn.

He walked fast, and when passing by the village committee, he heard a man and woman's teasing laughter coming from the gatehouse.

Curiosity got the better of him, so he tiptoed over to take a look.

The room inside was a bit dark, but with the faint morning light, he could make out the figures and faces of the man and woman.

The man appeared to be about sixty, rather plump.

He was the village head, Liu Baishun.

As for the woman, it was the beautiful one right before him.

At that time, Zhao Cuihua was sitting on top of the village head, with her back facing the window where Liu Zheng was.

She was moving vigorously, occasionally emitting soul-stirring moans.

Those sounds sent a tingle through Liu Zheng's body.

The village head moaned "hmph hmph" in pleasure, evidently enjoying himself immensely.

After frolicking for a while, Zhao Cuihua seemed tired, so Liu Baishun ended up on top, and with that change, Liu Zheng got an even clearer view.

Watching them carry on, moaning and whispering, thoroughly enjoying themselves, and even discussing some village gossip, Liu Zheng heard it all.

His initial plan was to leave once the two had finished.

But then.

A stray cat appeared out of nowhere, darting past right beside Liu Zheng.

As the cat's hind claws brushed against a flower pot, it fell from the stand with a "clatter," making a noise.

The sound startled not only Liu Zheng but also the two people inside the room.

They immediately looked toward where Liu Zheng was.

Caught up in the excitement, Liu Zheng had gone from peeping with just half his head to revealing his entire head at the window.

Given the poor lighting, as soon as Liu Zheng realized he'd been spotted, he turned and ran off at full speed.

He had thought that would be the end of it.

With the dim lighting, the two inside the room presumably couldn't make out who he was.

But to his surprise, Zhao Cuihua had actually come to look for him.