Chapter 23 Get the Hell Out

When Wu Min reached the courtyard and saw the brand-new electric tricycle, she didn't realize that such a thing had recently appeared at her home.

Before she could come to her senses, Liu Zheng already pulled her to stand in front of the electric tricycle.

He lifted the rear cover of the tricycle.

In the trunk, there was a large plastic bag containing something brightly red.

It was a stack of hundred-yuan bills.

Liu Zheng took out the money, put it in a plastic bag, and hurled it out.

Seeing Liu Zheng bringing Wu Min out, the two following close behind, Liu Kai and another, had already left the courtyard.

The two thought that Liu Zheng and his companion were about to flee when they saw them at the electric tricycle.

However, Liu Zheng suddenly threw a bag full of hundred-yuan bills at them, startling both men.


Liu Kai was stunned for a moment, then instinctively bent down to pick up the bag.