Chapter 26 A Figure

If the villagers find out about this, how could Liu Sumei ever hold her head up in the village again?

But under the current circumstances, at this critical moment, he really didn't know what excuse would be best.

Liu Zheng furrowed his brow, thinking for quite some time.

"This... Sister Su Mei, I really have something important today. I finally found a partner in the county who is willing to buy the medicinal herbs I harvest at a high price. They even gave me a deposit, so I must hurry and gather the herbs I promised to supply to them," he said.

He purposefully glanced at the color of the sky outside and added, "So I need to make haste, you see the sky, if I don't go now, it'll delay matters!"

After saying this, Liu Zheng purposely looked at Liu Sumei's expression.

Seeing that she was staring steadily at him, her face showed a very complex mix of emotions.