Chapter 41 Stop it all

The woman being harassed was none other than Liu Suqiu.

She seemed somewhat helpless now.

Yet the sleazy laughter of those few men had attracted quite a crowd of onlookers.

Seeing this, Liu Zheng quickly parked his car to the side and ran over, using his body to shield Liu Suqiu.

His gaze turned fierce as he icily faced the gangsters, "Pay up now, and take it back for your mother to show you."

The few punks were in high spirits.

The beauty before them was making them drool, so after they gathered around, they immediately started to harass her.

They had been hoping to whisk the beauty away and have a blast together in the evening.

Now, however, someone like Cheng Yaojin had suddenly appeared halfway and spoiled their fun.

The leader, a blond, scowled with his eyebrows knit, holding a very revealing pair of underwear in his hand.

His hand shook continuously, as if about to gesture towards Liu Suqiu.
