Chapter 63 Let's Take Turns Playing

At this very moment, Liu Zheng was trying his best to relax and stay alert.

Ever since he realized there was something wrong with the wine, he had been keeping a sliver of clarity in his mind.

Upon hearing Liu Kai's words, Liu Zheng wanted even more to leave this place.

"Yeah! I do feel a bit uncomfortable, as if I'm suffocating. I really want to go take a leak right now."

That is what he said, but Liu Zheng genuinely wanted to get up and leave.

However, he felt like his legs were filled with lead at this moment and he simply couldn't move them.

Seeing Liu Zheng's condition, Liu Kai let out a cold laugh, then followed it with a lewd smile.

"Brother Liu Zheng! What I'm talking about isn't about urinating."

He leaned in a bit closer, with an incredibly suggestive look, and asked, "Do you really want to find a woman to sleep with right now?"

After hearing Liu Kai's question, Liu Zheng cursed him countless times in his heart.