Chapter 75: If You Have the Skills, Then You Heal

Liu Zheng was momentarily stunned, then couldn't help but furrow his brow in response.

He was merely expressing his opinion regarding the patient's condition, and it was out of a sense of responsibility that he spoke up to intervene.

As for questioning or not questioning, Liu Zheng had never been one to do so.


The people of the Liu Family before him were acting so imperiously.

It was as if they saw themselves as high and mighty rulers, giving orders to Liu Zheng with such an air of superiority, which caused Liu Zheng to feel repulsed by the Liu Family members before him.

Even to the point where Liu Zheng was secretly wishing he was not one of this Liu Family.

Now the two sides seemed to be in direct confrontation.

The middle-aged man from the Tang Family glanced left and right, seeming quite indecisive.

To tell the truth, he did have more faith in the medical skills of the Liu Family from Huai'an.
