Chapter 100 You Are My Woman

If before, Qin Wanru only wanted to treat Liu Zheng as a good friend to hang out with.

But now, for some reason, she found herself harboring other thoughts.

In her heart, she thought, "If I had a boyfriend like him, how great would that be?"

While they were chatting, Liu Suqiu couldn't hold back anymore.

She tugged at Liu Zheng, asking, "Xiao Zheng, hurry up and tell me, how did you come up with the idea of using the mat to make mahjong tiles? And how much can you really sell them for?"

Hearing Liu Suqiu's question, Qin Wanru also looked towards Liu Zheng.

She was equally curious about how Liu Zheng came up with this idea.

"To tell you the truth, at first, when I saw this mat, I wasn't sure if I could sell it. After all, a mat with such a high cost was simply exorbitant. How could it possibly sell?"

As he spoke, both women nodded in agreement.