Chapter 117: Turned Around

Thinking about this, Liu Zheng leaned back against the tree behind him and began to enjoy himself.

This enjoyment was so exhilarating that he felt like he was about to take off.


Just when he hadn't had enough fun, Zhao Cuihua stopped.

She was a bit impatient and stood up, saying directly, "Little Zheng, come on, let's start! Sister can't take it anymore, take me now,"

As she spoke, she didn't hesitate to start undressing and then lifted up her skirt.

After lifting up her skirt, she turned around and hugged the tree next to her.

Seeing her do this, Liu Zheng was a bit baffled.

"I mean, I'm just saying…"

Liu Zheng cleared his throat and said, "Sister Cuihua, it's not convenient for me if you do that. We're about the same height, and with you like this, I have to bend over, which is too tiring!"

After hearing Liu Zheng's words, Zhao Cuihua turned her head in annoyance, looked at him, and said, "You're such a hassle! Just hold onto my waist, wouldn't that solve it?"