Chapter 198 Admission of Mistake

This really startled her, and she immediately lifted her head and gently pushed Liu Zheng before speaking.

"Oh, my ancestor, why haven't you left yet?"

Liu Zheng had been sleeping soundly, but upon hearing this, he slowly opened his eyes, still somewhat bewildered, and after a while, he spoke.

"Are you overthinking things? Isn't the old lady not at home? It's fine for me to sleep a bit longer, don't worry, nothing bad is going to happen."

Upon reflecting, she realized that indeed, this made sense; since only Xiao Kai was at home, there wasn't anything for her to worry about.

So, at that moment, she nodded in agreement.

"Alright then, you rest well, I'll come back later."

After saying this, Li Yanling, of course, wasn't going to stay there forever; she then left the bedroom, planning to make some breakfast first.

After all, Xiao Kai was still sick, and he needed to have his breakfast before he could take his medicine.