Chapter 230 Brave Defense

Seeing Xiao Kai willing to bravely come forward at this time and tell the truth from now on, Li Yanling truly felt very happy in her heart.

And those onlookers nearby also approved of Li Yanling's approach very much.

"Exactly, we shouldn't indulge her anymore. Otherwise, she'll only become more and more presumptuous. We should drive her out!"

"A person like her doesn't deserve to have anyone with her!"

"This is really too much, I've never seen such a person before. Since that's the case, there's really no need to show her any kindness!"

"Girl, I support you. You have to stand firm at a time like this, otherwise she will be even more outrageous when live streaming!"


The onlookers were all saying this.

At first, they thought something true had happened.

But they never expected that all these complications would arise afterward.

At this moment, Liu Zheng also stepped forward immediately.