Chapter 523: Giving You a Discount

It could be one hundred million or even two hundred million, with a bit of good luck, a loss of fifty or sixty million, but making money from it is definitely unrealistic. It's precisely because Sophie had anticipated this that she tried so hard to discourage it, but now any attempt to stop it might be too late, as Li Fei had already brought this matter into the open.

He even tied it to the Su Family, but Sophie didn't care about this aspect. Even though many were eager to ingratiate themselves with the Su Family in Pengcheng, Li Fei did not have such a mindset. However, considering the current situation, Sophie decided to go through with such an investment. The reason was simple: she felt that for Li Fei, this investment was worth it.

Sophie was a woman who, once decided, would not second-guess herself. That had always been her way, and it had never changed.