Chapter 553 Greatly Confused Su Jianghe

Even if Li Fei was within the village, they would seek him out, wishing to kill him to enjoy a moment of satisfaction. However, Su Jianghe also understood that since Li Fei held such confidence, it meant that he had everything under control regarding the matters ahead.

At the same time, Su Jianghe did not see any sign of concern from Li Fei, which was exactly why he felt at ease. If there was still something that puzzled Su Jianghe, it was how exactly Sophie and Li Fei had come to know each other.

How was their friendship formed? Watching the exchange between the two, Su Jianghe felt as though they had known each other for a long time, but the reality was quite the opposite. They had known each other for less than a day, and it was within this short period that their friendship was forged.