New world:Gu?

After what felt like forever, Ma Rue Sa's child was finally born, filling the room with joy as the cries of the newborn permeated the air. His wife, Ma Ren Shi, exhausted after 5 hours of labor, fell asleep once the child was delivered safely.

But as the child's cries suddenly stopped, Ma Rue Sa fells anxious, and he quickly questioned the midwife servant about the sudden silence.

The midwife attempted to reassure him, "I don't know, my lord, but please don't be anxious. He's still breathing. It is quite normal as children sometimes need a moment to adjust like this."

Despite the midwife's words, Ma Rue Sa couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. He thought, 'I never heard of a child stopping crying like that before. It almost seemed like someone coming back to his senses and stopping mid-sentence.'

Before he could think any further and reflect on his earlier thoughts, the child's cries resumed, bringing a sense of relief to Ma Rue Sa. Dismissing his earlier concerns, he chuckled to himself, "Unnatural? How is that even possible? The older you get, the more crazier you are, huh?"



*A little earlier*



"What the fuck, where am I? Oh, that stupid voice wasn't lying. I guess it called it transmigration? Whatever, this should be the new world it talked about." The captain was taken aback for a second but then heard a voice after he understood his situation:

The voice: "Welcome, sir, and yes, this is your new world."

The captain: "Oh, you came too? That's interesting. But why?"

The voice: "Of course, I came, sir. After all, I'm your assistant."

The captain: "Yeah, whatever. Where am I now? And you didn't say I would be in the body of a child." The voice then notified the captain of what it could hear, since the captain didn't really understand the language he is hearing.

The captain: "Oh shit, I guess I should start crying again? Or will it be suspicious? Fuck, what do I do?"

The voice: "Analyzing... analyzing...!! Since the midwife thinks it's normal, and since the host is still in his infancy and no one will suspect transmigration just from the action of crying, it is recommended to start crying again."

"Wow, you can actually think and analyze situations? That's amazing." the captain praised the voice and started crying again.

"Well, now that we're done with that, can you tell me where I am? And what world is this?" The captain wondered if it was going to be that easy.

"Information not available, please continue to explore your new world to unlock new information through analysis and observation." the voice answered.

"Of course not, as fucking expected. Well, forget it, tell me, what are you anyway?" He was annoyed but moved on immediately.

"I'm your assi...." "Yes, I fucking know that. What do you do? What is the job of an assistant?" He started to think it was doing that on purpose at this point.

"Oh, certainly sir. I can analyze anything you observe for you. But i can answer questions depending on the level of information you give me. Besides analyzing, I can also put you in a state of peace to help you with whatever you will be doing, sir. And from your previous life, I know that you're a fighter, sir, so I can help you in dangerous situations."

"Helping in fights can be considered as analyzing my opponents, so it's not really different. And what you mean is, when analyzing, you won't give new information about something unless I have some basic understanding of it, right? And then there is a state of peace? What is that?" He analyzed what it said and asked.

"Analyzing the opponent isn't the only thing I do to help you with fights, sir. And yes, you got analyzing right, sir. State of peace means that you will be almost isolated from the outside world, sir. So if you were trying to do something sensitive, no one will be able to distract or disturb you, sir," it answered.

"Wait, isn't this useless if my opponent just attacks me?" He scoffed at how useless this ability was, but he was surprised when it answered.

"Yes, sir, it would be a very useless ability if your opponent can just attack and disrupt you, sir. So for the whole duration of state of peace, which is 2 minutes, there will be an invisible barrier around the host that will not let any individual that the host labels as hostile get any closer than 5m, including anything related to them."

Before he could even get excited, a different voice took over and continued, "The host doesn't have any magic ability or mana. This function will be locked until the host awakens."

He didn't even get to ask what or who was that when he suddenly fell asleep. He wasn't even 1 year old yet, it only made sense for him to fall asleep after all these new pieces of information. Besides, there was also his mental state, the guy got blown to pieces, after a whole day of fighting at that, and then after all of that, he transmigrated to another world.

He slept soundly in his father's arms, cradled gently in the warmth of family love. With tender care, his father placed him beside his sleeping mother and observed them both with a sense of wonder on this remarkable day. As he watched them peacefully sleep, he pondered, "Hmmm, what should I name him? Well, I better wait until his mother wakes up first." In the quiet of the room, amidst the soft breaths of his new family, the promise of a new world, new opportunities and a new life lingers in the air.



*the second day*



He opened his eyes for the second time in his new life, cradled in the arms of his mother, whom he now knew as Ma Ren Shi. A wave of awkwardness washed over him as he realized the situation. "Well, that's awkward. Is she going to undress? I know that she's technically my mother, but I was 61 before I came here. I should just look away." he thought to himself.

Just then, his father, Ma Rue Sa, entered the room and scooped him up, playing with him by spinning him around and throwing him in the air. He didn't enjoy it and couldn't fathom how his body was alright after such treatment on only his second day of life.

"What the fuck is wrong with these people? His wife didn't even say anything to him. I should just hear what they are talking about. Hey voice, listen to them and translate it to me." he requested.

The voice responded immediately, "Yes, sir. Analyzing... analyzing!"

Ma Ren Shi: ".....anyway, Where have you been?" The voice added that they were in the middle of something and that they changed the subject before it could hear.

Ma Rue Sa: "I didn't tell you? It was a mission. The squad leader needed money, and we won't say no to extra money, so we took a mission." The voice added that he sounded nervous a little.

Ma Ren Shi: "Oh? A mission? What did you do? Was it dangerous like the last one?" The voice added that she sounded angry, but he could tell anyway.

Ma Rue Sa: "Relax, honey. We only needed to collect some materials. Besides, I'm already here, safe and sound. Don't worry."

The voice said that Ma Rue Sa had interrupted Ma Ren Shi mid-sentence, and it couldn't understand what she was going to say. Then Ma Rue Sa exclaimed, "Look, honey, I even found a gu!" The voice added that he was very excited.

"A gu? What is that?" He asked the voice, puzzled.