Surface Tension

Izuku blinked as the all-encompassing void swallowed him once more. The feeling of falling was abundant, his limbs waving in the air as he tried to right himself, only to feel like he was traveling in space without a space suit.

There was no up or down, no left or right. Only darkness and the screaming of one very familiar ash blond that was lost to his vision in this damned void. He couldn't get a sense of direction as to where Katsuki's voice was echoing, his voice trailing from anywhere and everywhere.

A few minutes later, Katsuki's scream died and he worried that the being — quite possibly the Greater Will but there was no proof yet — that was transporting him, Blaidd, and Patches back to the Lands Between held no love for the ash blond and decided to nuke him out of existence.

That was a scary thought, and something he hoped didn't come to pass.

It wasn't until much, much later that he finally saw a speck of light in the distance, and the more time passed, the brighter it got. He didn't know how long he had been here, and he didn't care. He was just glad this void was finally coming to an end.

The void shrank back against the light. The inky darkness, once suffocating to look at, now banished as an afterthought, the warm glow of the light cascading across his skin. It felt like he was in pure bliss, and just as sudden as it arrived, it left.

Replaced, the bright light was with a smattering of green, blue, brown. The weightless sense of his body gone as he plummeted to the wet surface below.

"Ah shi-" Izuku wasn't able to let out a curse before he faceplanted against the water, a giant splash echoing along the area littered with critters startled from the sudden change. Izuku groaned, spitting out the dirty water that entered his mouth and wiped them off his face with his hands.

Three more splashes followed and Izuku quickly surveyed his surroundings. Three figures lay prone against the water, one of which had his bald head glinting underneath the sunlight not unlike a tiny island with little people in mind.

Snorting at the mental image, he shrugged it off in favor of rushing towards one of the three who wasn't supposed to follow them back here. Thankfully, the water was just knee high and not enough to hamper his movement from helping that ash blond to his feet.

"Ah… Fucking hell…" Katsuki groaned, his palm against his forehead. Breathing deeply, he let out a sharp breath as he opened his eyes. "Fuck… Did another fucking villain get the drop on me again…?"

"As much as I would've preferred that, no, you weren't transported here by a villain." Izuku replied as he slowly got Katsuki back to his feet. "Welcome to the Lands Between, home to the deathless and insane, although the latter might not be applicable to everyone."

"… The fuck are you talking about…?" Katsuki glared at Izuku, only to blink when he saw what lied behind him. His mouth gaped as he stumbled back, shock passing through his eyes. It was something Izuku had the fortune to see when they first met again during the USJ incident, and seeing it again made him curious.

Looking behind, he saw the giant corpse of the dragon he had killed prior to his return, its chest gaped open as dozens of insects littered across its decomposing flesh. He could see the inner chest cavity, blood already dried as the water underneath lapped across its dull scales every now and then.

"Oh, I was wondering why the dragon didn't show up." Izuku mused. Last he saw the dragon, it was also being sucked into the portal like he was, so to see it here was a bit of a surprise.

Looking back at Katsuki, Izuku saw him staring at the corpse of the dragon, eyes trembling as a glob of saliva slid down his throat.

"Is… Is that what I think it is…?" Katsuki asked and Izuku nodded.

"Yep. A dead dragon, killed by yours truly." Izuku pointed to himself. "Anyway, while you collect yourself, I'm gonna go check on the other two."

Leaving Katsuki for a moment, close enough to be within earshot, Izuku walked towards Patches and Blaidd, both of whom were speaking with one another.

"Oh, well if it isn't our most gracious host." Patches side-eyed Izuku with a visible grin, the sliminess aura radiating off of him in droves. Even Blaidd had to recoil at the sudden impact of unadulterated conman vibes coming from the bald man. "Me and Blaidd here were just chatting up business. You know, the future of Patches' Emporium?"

"… Right…" Izuku drawled and looked at Blaidd. "What about you, Blaidd? Off to doing your own thing again?"

"Aye." Blaidd nodded, his eyes veering towards the horizon. "My business is still unfinished, and despite the sudden visit to your homeworld, I enjoyed quite a bit of your culture."

"Alright then, best to not keep you waiting." Izuku waved his goodbyes and watched as Blaidd gave his own version of a farewell before vanishing within the tree lines. Patches, however, just had that slimy smirk up on his face as he stared at Izuku.

"So, you buyin'?" Patches asked with that tone of his, immediately turning off Izuku as he brushed him off.

"Sorry, not today. Maybe next time once I get… Katsuki all sorted out." Izuku turned around, only to see Katsuki kneeling on the ground, hands underneath the water surface.

"Well, alright then. I'll be seeing ya." Patches shrugged and gripped on his spear. "Ah, right where I left ya. Oh, by the way, you didn't forget about sweet little Rya, did ya?"

"Nope." Izuku affirmed, although it almost slipped his mind because of Katsuki.

"Good." Patches offered only a single word before waving him goodbye. Once he was out of earshot and eyeshot, he turned back to Katsuki. Creeping closer, Izuku noticed his eyes. Dull, unseeing… In fact, they reminded him of the… first time he arrived in the Lands Between.

"Ah, shit." Izuku cursed. Of course he was going to have a mental breakdown. Who wouldn't? Even the most abrasive and stubborn of people would just stare at the ground if they were suddenly ripped from their own reality and deposited into a world not your own.

Those isekai mangas? Those were just delusions, people thinking that they could manage because of their knowledge. Well, too bad, knowledge does not equal to practice, and Izuku knew that very well when he was just starting his journey. It was a different story if they had a cheat, but then again, he had a cheat called not fucking dying, and he still got steamrolled by the lowly commoners during his early days, not that they were lowly, but the point stands.

"Hey, look at me. Look at me!" Izuku roughly grabbed Katsuki's face and made it so he was facing him. His eyes were dull red, but there was a spark hidden underneath. Focusing on that, Izuku opened his palm and gave him a resounding bitch slap across his face.

Normally, he wouldn't do this against those with fragile minds and egos, but Katsuki was anything but, and if he knew him based on his actions, was that Katsuki thrived on violence.

A loud grunt escaped his lips and the spark underneath those red orbs surfaced, his brows furrowed as he let out a snarl.

"Deku!? What the fuck!?" So shocked he was that Katsuki uttered a name he never thought he would be hearing again after the many times he had interacted with the half blond when he returned. Catching his slip up, Katsuki paled and lowered his head, only for Izuku grab him by the shoulders and forcefully lift him to his feet.

"Okay, I'm not good with this, and I'm pretty sure you know why." Katsuki averted his gaze. "But damn if I'm not going to help you despite what you've done to me. Heroes are those that helps people, even if those being saved doesn't want to be saved. And you, no matter how much you've wronged me, even I cannot stand by and watch you wallow in your downwards mental spiral."

Katsuki didn't respond, but frankly, he didn't need to. It might take a while before Katsuki can come to terms that he was no longer in Japan, nor in Earth, but all that mattered was that he grew over it.

"So, stand the fuck up." Izuku let go of his shoulders. "You are Bakugo Katsuki. Didn't you want to be the number one hero after graduating?"

The ash blond stewed in silence, and that was fine. As long as he didn't become catatonic, he could still recover and not be useless bag of weight during his journey. He didn't want to leave him here, that would be just bad taste, and didn't he vow on his mother's grave that he would become a hero?

"I'll protect you until you get your mental faculties all sorted up, and until then, make sure you don't become a burden." Katsuki narrowed his eyes at the statement, but otherwise, didn't utter a peep.

Summoning Torrent, his spectral steed appeared out of thin air right beside him, spooking Katsuki for a bit, even though they were acquainted. And by acquainted, he meant acquainted with his hooves and horns during their training sessions. It was no wonder the ash blond was a bit nervous when around the spectral horse.

"Get on." Izuku hopped onto Torrent, the spectral steed braying as he felt the weight of his master. Katsuki stared at him for a moment and didn't do anything. Clicking his tongue, Izuku grabbed him by the arm and hoisted him up towards his back.

Katsuki let out a surprised grunt, but his instincts managed to save him from an uncomfortable landing as he slotted in cleanly behind Izuku.

"Hang on tight, Torrent is a fast runner." Izuku chuckled and Torrent neighed in response, his mischievous side surfacing. Katsuki shivered, knowing full well the kind of speed Torrent could output when he put his mind to it.

His arms snaked around Izuku's waist, and without much further ado, Torrent strode off, his hooves splashing water all around them.


His first order of business was to return Rya's necklace. He'd promised to give it back to her once he got it, but the dragon and then returning back to Japan happened. Now that he was back in the Lands Between — with an unwilling passenger — it was time to finish her request. It was bad taste leaving a hapless maiden like her holding out for hope.

Ignoring giant flowers, some creepy entities that used their lanterns to throw shades of purple sorcery at him, and even giant lobsters, it didn't take long before he found himself just outside of the pavilion where Rya was taking refuge in.

Hopping off of Torrent, with Katsuki still silent, he climbed the steps and gave a smile as he saw Rya, playing with a butterfly that had found its way around the girl.

"Oh, you're back." Rya smiled softly, the butterfly content on landing on her fingers. "Any news on my necklace?"

"I have it right here." Izuku fished it out of his bottomless box, its bronze metal glinting underneath the sun's light.

"Oh, yes, that is my missing necklace." Rya graciously received the necklace, her smile growing a tad larger. She gently wore it around her neck, the image of a woman unfamiliar to him etched into its center. Once she was done with that, she looked at Izuku, eyes conveying that she was beyond the moon. "Thank you kindly. I am in your debt."

"You're welcome." Izuku smiled as well, his chest feeling light from having helped Rya with her request. She then frowned, her eyes going downcast for a moment.

"Oh dear, did I forget to announce myself?" Rya seemed genuinely apologetic, even if Izuku had already known her because of Patches. "I am Rya, in the service of Lady Tanith of the Volcano Manor."

"Volcano Manor?" Rya nodded and pointed towards a direction. Looking at where she was pointing, all Izuku could see were trees, but there was a tiny gap that showed the mountains. "Beyond those is the Volcano Manor?"

"Yes." Rya lowered her hand and continued. "I seek stalwart Tarnished who might join our house. You are very brave yourself. Not only a steady hand, but a steady heart, merciless, even to your own kind. Such strength is precisely what my mistress seeks."

"Hold on a bit. Merciless?" Izuku tilted his head, a bit offended at the thought. "The others, I understand, but merciless?"

"What else could you be after slaying the dragon just north of here?" She said and Izuku didn't have any retort to say. She rummaged through her purse and pulled out a sealed envelope, before presenting it to Izuku. "Please, take this."

Izuku wordlessly accepted the envelope, his fingers gently stroking the piece of paper.

"Brave Tarnished, seek the Altus Plateau, the realm of the Erdtree. Most Tarnished are doomed to wander the outskirts of the Lands Between, peering wistfully at the towering Erdtree…" Rya turns around and looked at the Erdtree, its glow washing over them like a tide of golden rain. She then turned back to Izuku, her gentle smile turning more appreciative. "But you are no ordinary Tarnished. And once that is proven, the Volcano Manor wil fully extend its invitation. To fight amongst a family of champions."

"So, what? I just go the Altus Plateau and find you?" Izuku asked and Rya nodded. She looked like she was about to leave, only to perk up and look apologetically at him.

"Ohh, and… One more thing, only for you…" She started, a brief hint of a blush creeping up her neck. "This land of Liurnia is connected to that Altus Plateau by the Grand Lift of Dectus, beyond the high road."

She pointed again, and Izuku followed. Through the canopy of trees and shrubbery, Izuku saw a destroyed bridge that led towards the Academy, but this time, going north.

"But the lift has been defunct for an age, meaning there's no simple means of passage." She said, her tone laced with caution. Izuku listened closely, because when someone became like this, it meant that there was something truly dangerous ahead. "Instead, you must seek the old ruins in the cliff. At the base of the valley near the Grand Lift, there's an old tunnel."

She pointed again, and this time, Izuku found out that it was close to where she said the Grand Lift would be. Then again, it was very near, but he didn't expect it to be literally right beside it.

"It was excavated from both ends, linking Liurnia to the Altus Plateau." She clasped her hands and bowed. "I have faith in you. A champion, through and through."

She gave Izuku one last time and waved her arm at him lightly.

"I do hope that we can meet again."

And with that, she was off, slowly walking off the pavilion.

"Uh… Do you need me to escort you back?" Izuku asked and Rya looked at him, her head shaking to the sides.

"No. I appreciate your candid worry for me, but I can take care of myself." Rya walked away, her back still hunched like when he first found her, save for the necklace dangling off her neck.

Izuku followed her since there was only a single exit to this pavilion, and outside, he came face to face with Katsuki, who was leaning against Torrent with a slight scowl on his face.

"Finally, you're back… Who the fuck is she?" Katsuki glared at Rya, surprising Izuku for a moment that the ash blond was already coherent enough to talk smack about another person.

"Oh? I didn't know that you would have a companion, brave Tarnished." Rya looked at Izuku once more, a curious look on her face. She turned back to Katsuki and blinked. "You are wearing some… strange apparel…"

Rya noted and Izuku gulped. He really didn't want to explain Katsuki's background. Hopefully, the girl would just ignore it and be on her way.

"Regardless, such thoughts matter not." She closed her eyes and turned to face Izuku one last time. "Goodbye, brave Tarnished. May our paths cross again."

This time, she really left, her robes getting soaked from the knee-high water. Once she was far away from them, Izuku approached Katsuki and opened his mouth.

"So, got over it yet?" Katsuki closed his eyes and let out a huge sigh.

"Hell no… But what you said about me being a burden? Fuck that." Katsuki glowered. "I'm not gonna be some fucking damsel in distress, so you won't have to worry about me."

"… Good." Izuku smiled, glad that Katsuki was at least functioning. "In that case, it's time to move. I still have some things to do, and Torrent is our fastest way of traversing these god-forsaken lands."

Katsuki nodded and silently got on Torrent after Izuku. With a final neigh, the three of them were finally on their way.

Izuku closed his eyes as the wind swept past him. He needed to do one last thing before heading towards the Academy. The heart of the dragon was still inside his bottomless box, waiting for him to use it.

It was time to get stronger…




A/N: This time it's Darktide. For the Emp'rah!

Shameless Plugs: (If you want to read 10 chaps ahead, head on over.)