
The morning was calm as if to not disturb both of them who were sleeping peacefully in each other's embrace.

The coldness of night was long gone and the warm sunlight enter the room through the open windows.

Bella's pov

I woke up when the sunlight hit me. My head was hurting really bad but my body was more aching. I felt a weight on my stomach, which made me turn my head immediately. Shock was visible on my entire face when I found out I was not alone in my bed.

A really handsome man was sleeping beside hugging me that too naked. Then slowly the images of last night came into my mind.

How I begged him to help me,how his touch felt,how his lips felt on my body. I looked at his sleeping face,so peaceful and perfect. He seemed rich considering the decor of the room.

But I need to go back. I carefully removed his hand from my waist and left the bed. Although I have trouble standing,I reached for my clothes which were scattered on the floor and dressed myself hastily.

My upper body clearly has many bite marks but I found a coat to cover myself. I took one last glance at the man and left with my belongings.

Lucas's pov

When I woke up,the girl beside me had already left. I looked at her side and found blood spots on the sheet

Lucas:So she was indeed a virgin.

He also looked around the room to find something about her,but found none. The only thing he knew about her was her name. Bella. He sighed and called his assistant.

On the phone

Lucas:Mark I want you to find about a girl named Bella.....she came into my room yesterday. She was here with her colleagues.

Mark:Okay! will be done soon.

He ended the call and looked at the city view from the huge glass window.

Lucas:Who is she and why did I agree to her? I will find you soon.

He sighed and then he remembered the last night. He came to this hotel to catch his traitor red-handed but instead of finding him he found her. He still can't forget the way her small hand touched his face.

He lost control by just that small gesture. He has plenty of women lined up to share a bed with but none of them had this effect on him. She was utterly beautiful even in such simple dress and light makeup. The women he shared the night were all dressed up in short clothes to seduce him and wear heavy makeup.

She was different. On top of that she gave her first time to him which was a whole new experience for him. He never had the chance to be someone's first as all those women had already popped their cherry.

Even after sleeping with many women and having considerate experience he felt like an amateur with her. Like a teenager whose girlfriend after much pleading decided to give him her first time an be each other's first.