Accidental kiss

Rachel ate her chocolate and slept again because of the medicine. I asked Bella about her condition and was glad to know she is doing better now.

Lucas: How long does she need to be admitted here?

Bella: Doctor said she will be discharged after 5 days. By the way, the money which you have lended me, I will try to return it as soon as possible.

Lucas: Did I ever asked you to return me the money? You can give me back, when you yourself have enough, okay?

Bella: Okay then.

Lucas: Since there is nothing else, I will take my leave.

I tried standing up but my feet got tangled suddenly, leading me to fall. I tried catching something for support but I ended up falling with that 'something' on top of me.

Wait, didn't Bella gave me her hand for help but now I made her fall too. I opened my eyes to see Bella on top of me with her eyes closed. I felt something soft on my lips and realised our lips touched.

Oh my God! Isn't this the cliche scene of a romantic movie? What do they call this again? Yeah accidental kiss. It's not like I watched those movies, I know all this because of Mark. He watches all those things.

But doesn't generally the woman stumbles? But in my case it is opposite. A cough, bring me out from my thoughts, which also made Bella open her eyes. Her eyes are beautiful. I was still staring at her widened eyes when she pushed me and stand up. I too stand up meanwhile the doctor start checking up Rachel.

My eyes did not left Bella, who is standing beside Rachel. Her cheeks were slightly red, from the moment we just shared. Although the moment lasted just for a few seconds, it still left the woman blushing and the man staring at her.

The doctor left after checking Rachel's vitals leaving us alone. I walked towards Bella, who took a step back for my each forward stride.

Bella: What happened? Why are you coming this close?

I didn't answered and continue walking forward until her back touched the wall. She looked away when my eyes made contact with hers. She looked cute when she is nervous.

Lucas: Was it that good? Why are you still blushing?

Bella: I'm not. It's just too hot in here.

She said while touching her cheeks and fanning her face.

Lucas: Yeah why would you blush just from a kiss, when you didn't hesitate to do more than a kiss that night.

Her eyes widened and she flustered more hearing my words. It feels good teasing her like this. She also looked too cute when she blushes. I should tease her more often in the future.

Bella: Don't you have any shame? You are talking about this openly.

Lucas: You are still blushing.

Bella: No I'm not

Lucas: Okay you are not. Ms. Tomato.

She is looking like a tomato while refusing the blushing allegations.

Lucas: Okay I won't tease you anymore. I'm leaving.

I left from there leaving a I'm-not-blushing Bella. Cute