83 - No More Bargain Chips (3.5k words)

╔═══ Author's note ════╗I've been looking for a male version of YY, but none carried the same aura as her father. Maybe this one? I dunno. He acts differently around his underlings and differently around his daughter.╚═════════════════╝YaYa's POVA few moments ago…I went to retrieve my familiars from my step sisters. Unfortunately, they had nothing helpful to say about Skaris's whereabouts."Stop traumatizing CEE with your disgusting mouth, brat," the old man said as he knocked out CEE, wiping out his latest memory about what I just said, "Can't you see his soul is leaving his body?"I didn't say anything, my hands trembling. The mere sight of his face disgusted me. "Don't tell me you're still scared of me?" he mocked, his tone patronizing. "You've grown some balls since last I saw you, but you're still the same scared little girl. Your body still reacts like before, trembling like a leaf."I activated Curtis's spousal imprint, my speed and strength multiplied. I leaped at him, swinging my right leg, hitting his jaw.His body flew to the opposite side, but before it crashed, I pulled out my machetes and swung, aiming at his throat.He quickly pulled out his dagger, blocking my blades. My arms shook from the impact, the shockwave spreading through my entire body and snowy surroundings.I twisted the handle, increasing the pressure on the blade, "I just got married lately, so of course, I've grown a pair."He pulled out another dagger and shoved it between the handles of the machetes, pushing my blades back, "Are you telling me that you got married and didn't invite your dear old father to the ceremony? Who gave you the right to marry someone else besides Vick and not ask my permission first?""You ordered someone to stalk my ass for years. If that's not permission, I don't know what is.""It was necessary since you always destroyed my surveillance." He pushed the blades again, almost breaking my hands, but I held onto the handles.He misunderstood my words, and instead of addressing the stalker, he began to speak about Vick, "I've always wanted to have a son like Vick. Someone I can mold to my liking, a man who knows how to follow orders and do his duty as a son and a man. A man who respects and obeys his father," he scoffed, "Your influence corrupted him, and now, he's gone astray. He's become soft and useless. A disappointment, just like you. You should've learned from his example, not the other way around.""You betrayed that very man's trust, the man you were so proud of," I scoffed back, "The man who had been following your orders and doing your bidding for years. He had killed, tortured, and stolen for you. The one you called your son. But you betrayed him anyway.""Just collecting his dues," the old man replied as a matter of fact, "Vick lied to me countless times to get inside your pants. The audacity he had to think that he could fool me and expect to get away with it. He should have known better.""And you should have known better than to fuck your daughter, your own flesh and blood. You disgust me, you old creep."His brow raised mockingly, "You're still holding that against me? Get over it, brat. It was just an experiment. Nothing more. It was all for the sake of science. Something you will never comprehend. You've spent too much time with the humans and began to apply their morals and values into your life so that you could spite me. You don't see me complaining about your orgies with a group of animals, do you?"My vision was clouded by anger and hate, and my body was shaking from the adrenaline rush. Every cell in my body was screaming at me, and my heart was beating furiously, begging me to put an end to his life.I didn't need an explanation.I didn't need an apology.I didn't need anything else.Just his death.But I still couldn't beat him even after collecting my familiars and using the powers from the spousal imprints.He was stronger and faster.More powerful.He was invincible.And I was nothing.Just like before.I gritted my teeth and leaped toward the unconscious CEE, using his body as a shield, "Skaris for CEE's head, a fair exchange," I negotiated."How does it make you different from me?" The old man asked. His expression remained the same, not giving away anything. "You would kill someone who has been following you since your early years, someone who had helped you through the toughest times of your life, just for that dog you picked up on the streets?" I smiled, "You bet your ass I will," I said and then teleported with CEE before another base.The base was located in the desert hills, in a remote and desolate area. The security here wasn't as tight as in the other bases, but it wasn't a place anyone would want to sneak into.I was always careful about who I let into my circle. They had to be someone I wouldn't mind losing, someone whose death would not affect me. When you have nothing, you have nothing to lose, Father always taught me.But I liked the idea of getting attached. Plushy was my first attachment. I was ready to go crazy on whoever had the audacity to mess with it.I could help, care, save strangers and I would never have to worry about losing them. They would not be a part of my life. They would be a memory, a distant thought. An idea. A fantasy. An illusion. A delusion.Someone like Nivi, a person who I could never let into my heart, my circle, and my life. I would do anything to save her, just like my Plushy. I liked the idea of having someone to look after, a reason to fight.But the things I would do for those stupid boys? Damn.The things I was ready to sacrifice for them? Crazy.The lengths I would go through for them? Ridiculous.The choices I would make for them? Insane.I could see the signs.I was changing.Becoming attached.Getting close.Losing my shit.For them.I was not afraid of becoming weaker or vulnerable, nor was I afraid of the pain. I feared this attachment would cause me to become like Father. Someone who would destroy an entire planet because of one person.So, I sat on his desk and waited, glancing at my hands, wondering why the hell I was still trembling. If my hands want to shake, I will give them a reason to shake soon.It didn't take long for the old man to appear, charging right at me. He swung his fist at me, I blocked him with my arms and kicked him in the abdomen. He stumbled back.I aimed a kick at CEE in the middle and he blocked with his arms. I used the momentum and spun, swinging my leg, kicking his jaw.His body flew across the room, and his back hit the wall. I didn't know how important CEE was to the old man, but judging by how CEE always treated me with high regard and respect, it was safe to assume his father didn't want me to target his familiar.I took the chance and hit him right in the eye. Blood spurted from his face, and his hand immediately went to his face, covering his wound.It was the first time I managed to hurt him, and it felt damn good. I couldn't believe that after years and years of training and trying, I couldn't manage to make a single scratch on him. And I just did it in one day."Now I can die in peace," I sighed. Taking a deep breath, I sat back at his desk.Father showed a sign of surprise for a second. Not because I landed a punch, but because I was actually losing my shit. He sent CEE away, picked up his chair to sit on, and observed me."I will destroy everyone myself than let you do it," I said, shaking my bruised hands, "I will not hesitate to put a bullet through the heads of each one of my husbands if that's what it takes. You think that just because I have more reason to live, I will try to protect them and not put their lives above everything else? Then, you don't know the beast inside of me. It's ready to crawl out and destroy that world than let you treat it like your playground."He didn't look fazed. He was unreadable. But for some reason, I could feel his fear, fear of his creation. He created a monster and didn't know how to control it."Now, that's a threat worth taking seriously." He finally said. He leaned forward and placed his chin on his palm, staring at me intently, "Is this how you want to spend the last moments of your life? Still rebelling against your own father?" he asked, his voice low and calm."I'm calling you Father. That should count as something."He didn't smile. He just looked at me. There was only one position to report to. The only position that mattered to him.Was it my fault? If I obeyed him like Vick, tried to gain his trust and be the best daughter. I would have schemed against him behind his back and tried to stab him while he wasn't looking. I would have played his games, followed his rules, and won.But I didn't. I knew I was his only child. I had the privilege to do whatever I wanted and get away with it (punished but still alive). I never thanked him for it. I never tried to impress him, or do things to gain his approval.I wanted to show my true feelings for the sake of feeling them. To prove that he was not a god, not a supreme, or a superior being. Just an ordinary father with a lot of flaws. A flawed creature. A being made from the dust and given a soul.The little me could always see the life fading from his eyes. I recognized the change because it was the same as mine. Did he want to see Mommy? I thought as I tried to stab him in his sleep and help him meet her. A surprise present for Daddy, I used to call it.If I was a normal kid, I would have been scared and begged for mercy if their father flung me across the room with a murderous expression.But the little me was disappointed that he woke up and tried to stab him again. He locked me up in the dungeon afterward, but I didn't mind. I thought it was a game and enjoyed the view from the window with bars.He tried to punish me, but I never took him seriously. So, I got bored and escaped, and found a nice place where the birds lived.Father got mad at me again, but this time, he had to explain why what I did was wrong. Instead of apologizing and crying like any other kid would have done, the little me got upset and kicked him in the balls.I could still remember the look on his face. He looked like he wanted to kill me again, so I tried to snatch his dagger impatiently, demanding him to hurry up. Mommy was waiting.It went on and on. Every day, I would somehow get under his skin. Sometimes, he would ignore me, other times, he would yell and throw things at me.I never cried or begged. I would just stare and wonder if I could replace him with someone better. And thus my journey to find a better father began. He didn't like me, and the feeling was mutual. So why stay together?I laughed, "It was my fault, really. I was always the root of the problem."He grew silent for a second, and then smiled, "Don't tell me you've finally found a conscience? Have you decided to become a good daughter after all this time?""Just a better wife," I said, my expression unfazed, "A good daughter is loyal to her father. A good wife is loyal to her husbands. As you can see, my choice has been made. A husband's duty is to protect his wife. She doesn't need a father if she is treated well by her husband. That's all."I saw his mouth twitch slightly. He didn't like the comparison, and that was all that mattered.Father will keep coming back no matter what. He allowed the boys to heal me, to let me live again just so he could cripple my body and bring me back to my lowest point, leave a scar on Curtis's body, take away Skaris, and leave a wound in the boys' hearts and minds. If he cared, he would have set me free.I can't live like this, knowing he was watching me from the shadows, ready to pounce whenever the time was right. I can't be constantly looking over my shoulders and wondering what he would do next."Even if you found a way for me to get pregnant," I said, lifting my gaze, "There's no way I will risk my child's life and put them in danger because of you. Your existence will always be a threat, and that's something I can't compromise."I just used the excuse of wanting to get pregnant to occupy him, enough to leave me alone. I was trying to buy time, to get access to as many of his hidden allies like Vick as possible. I acted crazy, threw absurd tantrums to get my way, to gain a sense of control, not to find a way to get pregnant.Father's jaw clenched, and his eyes narrowed. The veins in his temple were visible, and his knuckles turned white from clenching his fists. His last bargaining chip was thrown into the trash, and now, nothing was left.We ran out of threats, out of things we could do to hurt the other, and out of things we could say to insult and piss the other off. No offers, no matter how appealing, could be made. No bargains, no matter how tempting, could be taken.Has he found a world with magic? Great. I could always finish his work and rule over his empire after he was gone. I was never afraid of working my ass off, just not for the sake of my father."You've lived a good life, Father. You've reached the top and become the boss. No one could have achieved what you did. Congratulations," I approached him and leaned over, "But your story has reached its end, and it's time for the hero to rest." I patted his back, my hands still shaking, "You can die in peace now, knowing that your child has never surpassed you. You're the greatest. You've won."He held me firmly, his hold awkward, "I didn't come this far only to die like a dog," he scoffed."You are an Emperor. Nobody is asking you to die like a dog. Go out with style, old man. Don't make your daughter have to kill her own father. After all, we'll be meeting in hell soon enough."I could feel him trembling. "My daughter...," his voice cracked, and his lip quivered as he cradled me in his arms like a child, "That's right. This is not a goodbye. It's a see you later. I will never die. My blood will still run through your veins. My spirit will forever be a part of you. Wherever you go, wherever you are, I'll always be there."I was expecting him to lose his shit. To curse me, insult me, and beat the crap out of me. But not this. Why the hell was he being all sentimental?"You are really getting senile," I remarked, shoving him away, "I planned to take over hell before you get the chance, but I'll let you have a head start and get there first."Busting his act, he clicked his tongue in annoyance, squeezing my cheek with a frown, "How can a brat like you take over hell? Stop making ridiculous statements and let the adults handle things," he reprimanded."I want a sexy, hot stepmom with horns and a tail with a heart tip," I blurted, imagining how the new step-mommy would look.He scowled and smacked the back of my head. The hit almost knocked the sense out of me, "I thought they would change you for better, but you are still a pain in the ass. A little bit smarter, a little bit stronger, but still the same annoying little brat," he growled, pushing me away, "Go. Just leave and don't bother coming back," he grumbled, massaging his temples, "You've given me a headache, and I want to be alone.""And Skaris?""With Karrak."I waited, expecting him to order whoever Karrak was to bring Skaris to me. But he completely ignored me like a grumpy old man, so I left the office to ask CEE."Karrak is a free man who's only loyal to himself. He has his own conditions. His rules. His terms," CEE explained, "We think he has been keeping an eye on us since our first visit to his planet.""You mean the one infested with zergs, YK534?""How does Your Highness know? Yes, it's that one. He infiltrated the Imperial Army a few decades ago. His Imperial Majesty always suspected him of being an enemy spy, but decided not to bust his cover until we learn about his motives.""Just a hunch," I said, remembering the picture that stalker left behind. That planet was an apocalyptic place filled with mutated monsters and plants, definitely not a place for humans. I loved to send my soldiers to train there though, "What's the catch?""He refused to hand Skaris to us and cut all contact. He is probably waiting for the right moment to make a move," CEE accompanied me outside of the base, "We never knew how vast his intelligence network was until he leaked Sir Vick's fraud to His Imperial Majesty.""Did you find out his motives?" I asked. What fraud? He just lied for my sake a few times and used his connections to hide Nivi's existence from Father."His Imperial Majesty tried to use Your Highness as bait and wanted to give him a position as your bodyguard, but he rejected the offer. He became responsible for providing intel on targets for the Imperial Army ever since. This usually requires a whole team of people, but he could do it alone, which is perfect for infiltration missions."An assassin?"We can't trust him, but we can use him," CEE added, "More than not, we send our agents to train under him."Many powerful individuals and organizations existed; not that Father couldn't afford to turn them into his enemies, but he preferred to keep a low profile. Those foolish enough to wage a war on him or people under him would be dealt with by the likes of Vick, who focused on large-scale attacks.But people like Karrak were another kind of trouble. They were more like viruses that would corrupt the system and take it down from within. Reaching the entrance, I took Plushy from CEE's hands, "Do you plan to join Father in hell?"CEE paused, a conflicted look flashed across his face, "Wherever he goes, I will follow. It's a great honor to serve His Imperial Majesty. Even in the afterlife, he will need a competent butler," he replied, his words filled with loyalty and devotion."See you later, CEE," I bid farewell."Farewell, Your Highness," he saluted, his hand placed above his heart.I unsheathed my machete and pierced his heart. He was surprised, but not a single word escaped his mouth. The only thing I heard was a small sigh of relief, as if he was waiting for this moment.I pulled out my machete, watching him fall backward.I placed Plushy on my shoulder and made a quick salute, then walked to the edge of a cliff while wiping the blade.The base had already been evacuated, and its structure began to crumble as the charges were set.The ground shook violently, a cloud of dust and debris filling the air.I turned back and gazed upon the wreckage.I have been here countless of times.My father's empire was built in this very place, where the first base stood, and this was where it ended.╔═══ Author's note ════╗Do you remember how YY mentioned that her father could always locate her no matter where she was? Being of the same kind, she felt his presence her whole life. If he died, she would know.╚═════════════════╝