"Brother Xiao...they're staring!"
"What? Everyone knows your my favorite..."
"My heart..."
Wang Lurai and Huang Souyu both patted their chests dramatically.
"Brother Xiao I thought I was your favorite...I'm the cutest, you're being bias.."
"When you do something, Ye Gu becomes your shield. Ye Qiang knows how to own up to his mistakes.."
Huang Souyu hissed, no one wanted to be punished by Ling Xiaoting.
"How distasteful.."
Nu Wan smiled she really loved the relationship between Ling Xiaoting and the rest.
It also made her realize she would never get the opportunity to be someone's older or younger sister.
"The elder gods used to say the master was the cruelest and most ruthless of all the black dragons. But the master who took care us, is the nicest and most caring creature I've ever seen."